Extremely depressed about my after baby weight?!

Question: Extremely depressed about my after baby weight.?
Before getting pregnant I weighed 105 pounds standing at 5'7, I was underweight yes I know, I dont expect or want to be that skinny again but I gained 50 pounds during pregnancy, I thought you were supposed to lose a lot during delivery, I am still weighing 130 and still look about 4 months pregnant. I didnt breastfeed, my son is already 3 weeks and 2 days old. I cant stand looking like this, it makes me feel so incredibly ugly. I take walks with him during the day and I only eat 1 meal a day why am I not losing this weight.? I'm only bleeding a teensy tiny bit almost stopped so I assume most of the fluids should be gone right.? My OB told me when I was still pregnant right before I delivered that he thinks I would be about 115 after delivery and thinks that would be a good weight, I weighed about 153 right before I delivered and now STILL weigh 130 and still have a big (looks big to me not everyone else) pregnant looking poochie.Health Question & Answer

I It is true we know our own bodies better than every1 or any1 else...but really, give yourself a break. You JUST had a baby 3 weeks ago which really isnt that long ago. Even to me after 3 weeks I still looked a bit pregnant with clothes off, but no1 else thought so. and you said "to you not everyone else" so I'm sure youre just being way too critical of yourself. and believe me, 5'7 and 130 is perfect, even 115 seems a bit thin for 5'7 if you ask me. I myself am very skinny and honestly though I'm glad I'm back to my normal weight, I have stretchmarks, my breasts are more frumpy, and my stomach is very untoned now with loose skin, and clothes are my only disguise for that. There is def. a difference between my body b4 pregnancy and my body now,even though I weigh pretty much the same.

Even though you're not breastfeeding, it is still important that you eat well bc you need your energy for your baby. Eat at least 3 meals a day, eat wise but good ones. You dont have to punish yourself for not weighing the weight you want to be, theyre just numbers. and also, now isnt really the time to focus on losing weight or exercising. Now is really the time to focus on your son and taking care of him, getting to know him, adjusting to motherhood, letting your body recover from childbirth and pregnancy, (after all it's only been 3 weeks!) and also, taking good care of yourself so you can take good care of your son. You can tone up and exercise later. And you dont even need to lose weight, you're fine, but I know how u feel about wanting to tone up even if your weight is fine.
and dont worry so much about it, I'm sure you look beautiful. Health Question & Answer

get used to it... i weighed 108 before mine, gained up to 172, went down to 145 afterwards, and since then, no matter what i do it doesnt go away, its been 11 years and my weight still goes up and up and up.
you could have thyroid problems, which will cause weight gain..
also, eating one meal a day will make you gain more than eating 3 well balanced meals. when you only eat once a day, your body thinks it is going to starve so it will store extra fat.. Health Question & Answer

It sounds silly, but when you only eat one meal, your body goes into starvation mode and tries to hang on to your fat. You have to eat a normal amount to loose weight. Three weeks is not a long time, and most women bleed for six weeks. I bet you also have some yet to loose. Keep your chin up and enjoy your new baby:)Health Question & Answer

130 and 57 that's not no where near fat. and hes only 3wks. your doc should have explained to you with your first child its only a possibility that you could go back to your before pregnancy weight and that only depends on your eating habits while pregnant. just give yourself some time and enjoy the new addition to your family. Health Question & Answer

First of all, if you check the weight charts you should weigh about 130 for your height.

Second, you generally lose 14-20 at delivery and then the rest will slowly come off (if it does) Since you probably are actually at your optimal weight maybe you shouldHealth Question & Answer

look..stop it! go and work out. and stop eating all that ****! oh and u gained 50 pounds while pregnant.? that ain't normal u where eating a lot! and im shure u still are!Health Question & Answer

you were anorexic before u had the baby and now youre good,all u need to do is tone up

geez Im five foot 3 and 125 pounds and I get checked out by guys all the timeHealth Question & Answer

130 is not fat thats like average for teens ... if ur that concerned get a gym membership Health Question & Answer

Go and work out remember you did just have your babyHealth Question & Answer

Honey calm down, it is normal to weigh more after a delivery than you did before, but the only way you are going to get rid of what your md said was an excess of 15 pounds is to exercise three times a week for about 1 hour. reduce what you eat to three small meals a day, drink plenty of water, avoid salt, and do not eat fast food if you can help it. Eating one meal a day is not good for you, one meal a day will keep the weight on you, especially if you eat it in the evening, and not in the morning, if you eat about 4 or so hours before you sleep you will keep the weight on.Health Question & Answer

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