How long did t take for you to lose the low part of your belly after a c-section?!

Question: How long did t take for you to lose the low part of your belly after a c-section.?
I had a c-section 3 months ago. I have been dieting and I'm losing the weight everywhere except the little pouch at the scar lol.

How long does that take.? Does it go itself or does it have to be exercise.?

I haven't been able to exercise so far, stomach muscles not strong enough.Health Question & Answer

Before I answer, I want to say: Congratulations on the birth of your baby! \(^_^)/

Enjoy this time, it will pass quicker than you realize. Having a fit body is wonderful, and staying healthy is a must, however just being a good mother makes you *beautiful*. I have met moms who were lithe and stunning, yet they were horrible mothers... these women were uglier than anyone I have ever laid eyes on.

I apologize if someone else has already mentioned everything I am about to write. I haven't read the answers yet since I think Firefox is about to crash, and I wanted to reply to this before it did. ^_^

First off, it will not go away on it's own. Like all pregnancy-related weight, the excess will stick around if you do not exercise (and more will likely be added, which is why so many women insist that they are heavier only because they gave birth; I am a Mom of 4 with a slower-than-average metabolism, yet I remain in shape because I remain active, even on days where I just want to curl up and sleep for a week).

I believe there are two things that will contribute to this answer.

1) What sort of shape were you in prior to the pregnancy and c-section.? If you were in relatively good shape, it should be much quicker than if you were not working out prior to the pregnancy. Women who are overweight before becoming pregnant have a much more difficult time losing weight afterward.

2) Whether or the not the abdominal muscles are torn or otherwise damaged. This will make it difficult to strengthen them (you may feel that the area is weakened, and assume it is merely a lingering effect of the pregnancy and c-section, however often this is a sign that the abdominal muscles are actually torn and are *unable* to be used). It also makes it difficult to properly work the area (thereby losing the extra weight). This is common both with c-sections and vaginal deliveries, and can be repaired with surgery if the damage is severe enough.

A friend of mine delivered her baby via cesarean section, and her OB told her that she had a lax pelvic floor. She's had a very difficult time losing that extra bit of weight, however it *is* coming off, albeit slowly. She delivered her son around 9 1/2 months ago, but she first began showing signs that the "pouch" was disappearing at around 8 months post-delivery. She was in great shape when she became pregnant, and had started working out again around the same point you're at (her son was almost three months old).

As long as you eat well, stay active, and exercise, it *will* go away. Just give it time. I highly recommend belly dancing... that was how I began exercising after the births of my babies. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I learned everything I could and I now teach classes. It will trim you down and get you used to moving again, as well as strengthen the muscles that were damaged during the pregnancy and delivery of your baby. Most importantly, it helps many women to feel sexy and sensual again after having a baby; the extra weight will not matter as much to you if you already feel gorgeous. ^_^

Just be patient, and remember that it may take more time than you want, however as long as you are striving to stay in shape, one day you *will* wake up and see that your body is back to "normal". Health Question & Answer

Hon, I am almost 13 years past my only c-section and despite exercise and dieting I have yet to lose that extra pooch in that area. Every woman is different though. If you have really good skin tone and are fairly young (like in your 20's) you might have a better chance than I did to have a flatter tummy. Why not join a gym and work on the ab machines as much as possible or do targeted cardio for your abs. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I had a vaginal delivery and STILL have the pouch! (Oops...had my kiddo in 2006) I would wait a little longer until you're able to do normal work out routines. Usually, you'll do a lot of ab work to make that last pouch go away.

You can find a group of great ladies on who are going through the SAME thing. I think there is a group called the weight loss mama's.

Good Luck! Health Question & Answer

A ton of people never loose that pouch. You can get surgery if you'd like to fix it but I mean maybe working out will help it so just keep doing what your doing....I know people that have tried working out for years or just eating better and everything and it never went away. Enjoy your little one.Health Question & Answer

I think that you should excercise. I had a vaginal delivery 7 weeks aog and I have a pouch... I do sit-ups every day. I think it will be a while before we get rid of it...I've heard that it might not even go away without a tummy-tuck or lipo :(
good luckHealth Question & Answer

and the baby is he/she doing well are you a model or something please enjoy your baby and stop fretting over a little pouch it is a reminder that you are now a mumHealth Question & Answer

Never, I think they make it big for normal folks. And take it away if you are a movie star. Health Question & Answer

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