Did u like this procedure, did u get bad side-effect, bleeding to much, any pain, was intercourse changed bad?!

Question: Did u like this procedure, did u get bad side-effect, bleeding to much, any pain, was intercourse changed bad.?
I am getting this procedure done in two months, hearing bad things from people about it, nothing good, yet. I'm getting it because of cramping and 8-10 day periods, plus pain in abdomen. I wanted to get my uterus taken out, doc suggested this, he did explain it much to me. And I would like to hear from a woman that has had it done, Good or bad things, anything, advice or suggestions. Please help answer my questions. I think I'm more worried about intercourse after this, I'm only 22 and I enjoy intercourse, are the nerves affected by this, or does anyone not enjoy intercourse after this is done to you.?
TrixyHealth Question & Answer

Before you have a hysterectomy (uterine removal), I would strongly suggest that you look into having a less invasive procedure called Uterine Ablation. It's a cauterization of the uterine lining, that in many cases can create VERY light (almost non-existent) periods, and a significant decrease in cramps.

If your doctor suggested a hysterectomy BEFORE and ABOVE any other method, find another doctor! A hysterectomy should be the ONLY LAST RESORT...NEVER a shortcut to "fix" a problem like yours. also, you should try to find the cause of your problem before throwing in the towel!

Hysterectomy is NOT a procedure to jump into lightly. I just had one done, but I'm 40, have a 16-year-old, and have had abnormal uterine bleeding ALL of my life, that even birth control pills and other methods could not control. I ran the entire gambit before going for this final option (D&C's, IUD's, pills, the works).

Do your research, and be SURE to get a 2nd, 3rd, even a 4th opinion. I don't regret my decision, because 25 years of 20-25 days of bleeding a month was enough for me...but I DID my research and I did EVERYTHING there was to do before getting my surgery done.Health Question & Answer

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