Why are some girls at this age...?!

Question: Why are some girls at this age....?
Why are some girls at my age (13) so cruel.? I don't mean all of them, there are tons of nice girls that I know, more than half are nice, but I think that there should be more nice people than that. Whenever I do nice things for girls in my classes, such as hold doors open, or help them with an assignment, I rarely even get a thank-you. Today in my foods class, these two girls, who were messing up the process, called me stupid and yelled at me when I was doing the right thing for my job. First I apologized, then caught myself and said, "Why am I sorry.? I did nothing wrong. You two are being mean and are hindering our groups progress."

Why is it that some girls my age are so mean.? I find it much easier to get along with guys, sometimes. I have bad hormones, too, but I still am nice to people, and I went through a really rough time before even getting my period that only a few girls ever have to go through.Health Question & Answer

Girls tend to be particularly cruel. It's the mentality that you have to fit in and be cool, and so some girls do whatever it takes, even if it's hurting others. Girls are vicious.
The other thing is our upbringing. Your parents probably made sure you had manners and that you used them. They taught you to be a good, nice person.
I'm not saying that all of these girls had parents who were neglectful or just didn't really raise them right, but I'm sure that's the case with some of them.Health Question & Answer

Who knows...it will get better as they get older.
Or they could just be under developed in the brain...
seriously some chicks are just LAME or they think its "cool"
The brain at their age is a mystery and very complex. They dont think with the right part of their brain.
Just keep doing what you're doing. They will respect and appreciate what you do later on in their lives.

.?qid=20080925192252AAFTCdk">http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...Health Question & Answer

it's probably becuz ur ugly or annoying

edit- do you want a real answer.?, or do you want people who are gonna sugarcoat everything and pat you on the back.? maybe if you stopped sulking you would make a friend or two.Health Question & Answer

Immaturity is the cause.Health Question & Answer

Its our hormones. It sucks doesnt it.?Health Question & Answer

As stereotypical as it seems, the "preppy" girls are sometimes mean. Preppy as in the ones that go the extra step to look nice, wear hollister and american eagle, etc. When I was in middle school I remember this girl that used to make people feel bad all the time by saying things like "why are you wearing that.? it's so ugly" "you can't do that, you're too fat" to people. Are the girls that were being mean to you "preppy".? I've also noticed that a lot of the girls that find themselves pretty act this way.

also, girls are just mean period :/ Girls don't always get along with other girls. I always got along better with guys. Health Question & Answer

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