Threatend by boyfriend for sex?!

Question: Threatend by boyfriend for sex.?
ive been dating this guy from HS and he was really nice and seemed like he cared about me, but earlyier this week he told me he would break up with me if we diddnt "do it" he never even mentioned it before and im not ready to go all the way what do i do.? should i or not.? p.s. do u think it was one of his friends messed with his mind or somthing.?Health Question & Answer

This guy does not like you for you, he likes you for your body. I suggest that you break up with him, because if you continue to go on in this relationship one of you will get hurt. You are young and should not even be thinking about sex, should defiantly not be being pressured into it, and most defiantly do not need to, nor do you want to, actually "do it." This guy needs to hear from you that you are not ready for sex, that you value yourself, and that if he doesn't respect that, that you will break off the relationship. If he still pressures you, you break up with him. He probably won't, but if he does say that he understands, then give him another chance.
But defiantly, if he still is pressuring you after you explain to him the situation, the you need to break up with him!
Good luck. ;-]Health Question & Answer

It was probably his friends or something. Honestly, I would tell him I'd break it off with him if he ever said something like that again.
Talk to him about what changed his mind, or what brought this up. If he keeps up with his agressive behavior, tell your parents. Seriously, as great as your relationship may have been in the past, it makes me very scared that he had the balls to say that to you. If he continues to push the issue, you have to get out, and keep yourself safe, no matter what it takes. Health Question & Answer

I seriosuly think you should break up with him.Your boyfriend should be understanding if you arent ready to do it.He shoudln`t be threatning to break up wiht you just so you guys can do it.
I`m sorry to tell you this but I think that the whole time he was just faking being nice to you so after a while he would do this.
You should dump him the minute you see him.
Good luck wiht this.I hope eevryhting goes well.Health Question & Answer

Definetely NOT! That was REALLY disrespectful of him. If he really cared about you he would wait until you are ready and not threaten you! If you give it up to this guy, you''ll regret it. Please don't listen to him!

And no, I don't think any of his friends messed with his mind on this. He can think for himself! He made that choice on his own. I know that you probably want to believe that he really does love you, but if he did he would NOT threaten you.Health Question & Answer

okay... here's it straight up. All lot of guys are really nice , but the only reason they are nice is for sex . u do it he brakes up with u when he find someone better to knock up. u don't he brakes up with you and finds some other girl to knock up. One of his friends could have messed him up , but there is a good chance they didn't. sorry about ur luck its happened to me once. BE SMART!. if he did care about you he wouldn't threat'in u... it may hurt but girl he isnt worth it he needs to samrt'in up .Health Question & Answer

Easiest answer I have ever answered on this forum. Tell him "NO"! If he is going to break up with you for that reason he's not worth having as a boyfriend because he will NEVER respect you. Dump that "zero" and get you a "hero" that will like you for you not just for sex.Health Question & Answer

You obviously shouldn't do it. You said yourself you're not ready. And you shouldn't spend the rest of your life regretting losing your virginity to a guy who cares nothing about you. He has no respect for you, obviously. And I hate to say it, but he'll probably be done with you once he gets what he wants anyway.
So dump his sorry *** first.Health Question & Answer


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