How much does it hurt the 1st time..?!

Question: How much does it hurt the 1st time...?
(im almost 16 & still a virgin,
so i dunno how the first time feels for a girl...)
I've heard that sometimes it hurts ALOT,
and sometimes not at all...
How will i know if it will hurt me or not.?
And if it does, how bad is the pain.?.?
**i'd like answers from some girls who are experienced w/ this stuff & actually
know wut they're talking about please**
Thank yew.Health Question & Answer

For me it hurt a lot. I hurt for two days after wards. Please take your time at this. There is a lot at risk when becoming sexually active. I would hate to see your name pop up in a few months asking if it could be possible that you are pregnant. By the way, even though you could be on the pill and he uses a condom, you can still get pregnant. Losing the bf that you gave your virginity to is horrible! The guy I gave my virginity to is now dead. He killed himself a few years back. Even though we were 15 when it happened (I am now 23) it still haunts me that he is dead. It's an attachment that you have with them for the rest of your life.
Hope I helped and you will be careful on who you give it away to.
There is so much responsibility as soon as it happens. Health Question & Answer

it differs for every girl and it depends on how much you can bear pain. for my best friend she said it was painless. for me it was very very painful. and i was very wet, relaxed, and i wanted it, and my boyfriend was taking it very slow, but it still felt like a knife ripping through my vagina

and no the hymen has nothing to do with it. i didnt have mine when i lost my virginity but my best friend who had no pain she hers was still there because she bled a little but she didnt have any painHealth Question & Answer

hmm it depends on how you do it.
it you do it slowly, taking your time then it wont hurt that much.
some people didn't get it in with one try.
and there are stories from married couples that it took them more than 2-3 times to finally get it in.

honey don't do it unless you're old enough and ready.
16 is still a young age.
and trust me, you don't want to simply loose your virginity to some guy who might dump you in the end.

if you're curious or horny, just masturbate..a lot safer that way Health Question & Answer

hurts about the same as average period cramps.
i gave up half way because i didn't like the pain, but then he wanted to start again so don't stop if it hurts just go with it. the next time won't hurt as much.
make sure you do a lot of foreplay and are relaxed. use lube or lubricated condoms if you must.Health Question & Answer

It just depends on your body. I am not going to give you any advice to make it not hurt because you are too young. I am 26 I lost my virginity when I was 14. Take it from me wait. There is alot more emotional stuff to hurt than what you are going to feel the "first time."Health Question & Answer

i am 15 and when me and my b oyfriend did it for the first time it didnt hurt me at all! maby if your vagina is not that tight it wonte hurt that bad prob depending on the size of the penis! hope this helpsHealth Question & Answer

Just wait till your married and don't worry about it.

Why don't girls like me.?
.?qid=20080925175513AAZwhpK">;...Health Question & Answer

save it till marriage....
proud 15 yr. old virgin
it's not worth the risk of getting pregnant...
and sorry if i didn't answer your questionHealth Question & Answer

um wtf the girl who lost her virginity at 15 is stupid...and it depends for each girl but dont worry about it, it might hurt but it will onlt hurt for a couple secondsHealth Question & Answer

You shouldnt be thinking about sex at 16.... besides for some girls it hurts others dont feel it. Health Question & Answer

depends if you are relaxed and how big his cock is :)Health Question & Answer

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