Birth control, plan b?!

Question: Birth control, plan b.?
The only type of birth control i've taken was YAZ for about a week... i was emotional i had panic attacks, head aches, and horrible to be around... i couldn't handle it... is that how birth control is... or am i not right for YAZ should i talk to my Dr about trying something new. and plan b can you take that often.? or is like that a once in a great while kinda thing.?Health Question & Answer

plan b is not only much more costly, but it is also not as safe as birthcontrol taken on a regular, every-day basis at the same time.
Imagine taking plan b for a month...that would not only be horrible for your body, but it would cost hell-of-a-lot!
yaz causing you those horrible sideeffects is not what everyone goes through.
I was on orthotricyclenlo for a few months (my first birthcontrol pill) and it made my face break out horribly (and one reason I was on it was for my skin!) and well, I must say that I feel so much better with my new birthcontrol pill I started almost two weeks ago. My skin is already clearing up:D
The pill really depends on the person, so definetely talk to your doctor about Yaz and try something new:D
I told my doctor about Orthotricyclenlo not working for my skin and she recommended a pill with different indgrediants/dosages (Aviane).
I switched from a pill that had different dosages of hormones every week to one that is consistent. also, there is less estrogen (male hormone) in Aviane and more Proestrone i believe.
anyways, give a new pill a try:D
Nobody should have to put up with the horrible sideeffects you went through.
Good luck!!!:DHealth Question & Answer

You should talk to your doctor about a different birth control. Since plan B is a large dose of hormones it is not wise to take it on a monthly basis.Health Question & Answer

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