24 yrs. old and lost my libido?!?!?!!?!

Question: 24 yrs. old and lost my libido.?!.?!.?!!.?
I am a 24 year old woman and I have completely lost any sexual desire. It's really starting to cause a strain on my relationship. My husband and I had a baby but he is now 21 months old. I still don't have it back. What is wrong.? I thought I was too young to be losing my sexual desire already. Any tips or suggestions.? Right now it seriously feels like my husband and I are just roommates rather than a couple.Health Question & Answer

Well yes, it could be the 'relationship' and not entirely you.

Your hormones have been wrung out, and you've had a miracle come into your life, but the baby kept you awake at night for awhile, won your unconditional love and attention, and everything sort of changed in your world.

Now you know different people, that you never dreamed you'd meet, and are probably in a differnt social circle than before, doing different things.

I believe you should make time to see a counselor and talk. Ask and answer questions so the right things can be discovered, and a plan will be made for you and your family to come together neatly, everybody on the same page, and maybe you will need some hormone replacement or changes through medication; something to energize you and aid digestion, maximize your thinking potential and being lively again.

The sex drive and making love should be good and can go on for a long time if restored. You just need to get things in perspective, really find out what is wrong, and follow the remedies!Health Question & Answer

Hi There.
If you have a 21 month old, your low sex drive could be due to tiredness, hormonal changes after having had a child. You might also be experiencing stress or having challenges to your daily routine.
You might want to take a look at how much sleep you are getting, whether you and your husband have quiet time together, whether you need any tonic or deitary supplements, are you getting any exercise or relaxation outlet.?

I hope this helps

Experienced Occupational Therapist.Health Question & Answer

its totally normal for u to lose ur sex drive after having a baby. ur body may just have gotten used to the same sexual routine and now it needs sumthing different. u should start trying new things, or buy sum books about sex so u can experiment with other things. rent some videos, and make sure u communicate with ur husband. u may find that u like certain things he does that u didnt like before, or visa versa. be creative and think of sum kinky things that may turn u on. take time to think about wut u would rlly enjoy(fantasize!) and tell ur husband if u wanna try sumthnig new. if u really feel that ur sex drive is totally melting away, u should talk to ur doctor. best of luck! : )Health Question & Answer

Well you can try sexual counseling (sometimes embarrassing but it helps) or see your doctor. I'd recommend soon so that you relationship doesnt go down the drain. Your husband might think you dont love him any more or something is wrong with him (even if he says he doesnt)


Health Question & Answer

Are you taking any medication for high blood pressure or other ailments.? Some of then effect your libido. Why not get a baby sitter for a weekend and have a romantic week end get away for just the two of you. Sometimes that will help. If not talk to a Dr. see if there is some medical reason.Health Question & Answer

what is more important.? Your marriage or a stupid night club.?! Take your pick. if you need him to be with you to fix what is wrong than that is what he needs to do.

EDIT: Hire someone to cover. Your marriage is in trouble.Health Question & Answer

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