A few questions about the birthcontrol pill -will give best answer-?!

Question: A few questions about the birthcontrol pill -will give best answer-.?
So my bf and I decided we want me on the birthcontrol pill! We're 18 and I think the time is nearly right and we want to be prepared (my bf of 3 years btw).
My question is.. or questions xD.

1. Is it safe to have sex on the bc pill without a condom.? Is it easy to get preggo that way.?

2. What are the main side effects with the bc pill.? (I know there are many brands too)

3. What brand is the best according to you.?

4. What does the pill actually DO to you so you cant get pregnant.? Ive always wondered....

5. Do you take a pill every day.? or is it once a week.?

6. Do you have to take the pill at the same time everyday.?

7. Lastly, (since he lives in canada and im in the U.S.) if i run out of pills and i need to get a refill.. can i go to any office (like the plan parenthood places) and get them or does it have to come from my doctor every time.? (because ill be spending a few months with him soon in canada and if i run out i want to know if i can get refills in his town even though im american)

Thankies everyone! If you have any other handy info about the BC pill i havent mentioned id be very much obliged if you shared :) Thanks!Health Question & Answer

1. If you are having sex with one person, and one person only, and both of you have been tested against STI's then yes it's ok to not use a condom. YES it is better to use one, but it's ok not to. My boyfriend and I have been having sex for almost 3 years, first for me second partner for him, and we don't use condoms.

2. The side effects of the pill vary from woman to woman. Most of the time there are none. When you start however, for the first 3 months on the pill you can feel a bit nauseous, but to combat that, take your pill before you go to bed, because you will be asleep as it absorbs into your system and you won't feel anything. Other side effects can be increased OR decreased sex drive (either or), and it can make your breasts grow bigger (but they usually go down after the first few months).

3. I have only been on Ortho Tri Cyclen and Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo (lower dosage of hormones) and I like the Lo. It causes less side effects.

4. what the pill does so you don't get pregnant is this. Your ovaries produce eggs, and an egg is released from the ovary every month to be made available for a sperm to fertilize it. What the pill does is stop the ovaries from releasing an egg, and since there is no egg to be fertilized, the sperm just die inside you. It also thickens the mucus on your cervix, slowing the passage of sperm. The pill basically tricks your body into thinking that it's pregnant, and you can't get pregnant when your body thinks you already are.

5. You take the pill every day, at the same time each day. I take it religiously at 9:00 pm every night. The effectiveness decreases if you take it even two hours late. The lower hormone dosages are more important to take it at the exact same time, every day, because there's less hormones going into your system.

6. Yes, exact same time every day.

7. If you have your prescription from your doctor you can get up to 14 months of pills, then they won't give you another prescription until you have had a Pap test and a vaginal examination. If you go to a walk in clinic other than your doctor, or a planned parenthood, I think they will give it to you, but only 1 or 3 months at a time, they strongly suggest you get an examination while on the pill, so they won't give you a year's prescription, but they will give you a few. I live in Canada as well, so that's the way it works here, but you may want to call a Planned Parenthood or a pharmacist where you will be going in the States to make double sure.

Other info:

If you are on antibiotics, they may reduce the effectiveness of your pill, so use backup methods while on the meds. Some studies now are suggesting that they do not affect the pill, but they are new, inconclusive studies, so always be careful.Health Question & Answer

Al answers you can discover below.
Read also about dual contraception.Health Question & Answer

ok, yes you can have sex without a condom, but as long as you trust the person you are with. The pill will not protect against any STD only preganacy if taken correctly. The pill actually tricks your body not to ovulate. You take the pill daily and at the same time. Not doing this could decrease the effectiveness. Your doctor will give you a perscription for them and it should be a year supply. Most of the time you can get 3 months at a time (depending on your insurance) so make sure to have them with you before you leave or going to a planned parenthood place should be fine, but make sure they give you the same kind Health Question & Answer

1. The pill is only 99% effective, but there's only 1% chance you will get pregnant on the pill (without a condom.) I've been on the pill for 2 years and my boyfriend and I never use a condom and so far so good.

2. It all depends on you personally. My periods are WAY shorter and lighter, I have less cramps and bloating. I've heard you gain weight and are hungrier, but that's only for the 1st month while the pill is becoming "active." The pill tricks you into thinking you are pregnant so you can't become pregnant. I only gained about 2-3 pounds on the pill and that was in my boobs ;) So there's no complaining there !

3. I use NORINYL and it has been great for me. I've also heard that YAZ is great too.

4. I guess I've already answered this ! haha. It tricks your body into thinking you are pregnant so it's pretty much (99%) impossible to become pregnant since your body thinks you are ! The inactive pills are the one week where you have your period.

5. Yes everyday. There's one week where it's the inactive pills which you will have your period. After one month you can still have worry-free sex on there.

6. Around the same time. I usually take mine within 5 minutes of the time I usually take it.

7. I'm not exactly sure about this one. I know that I have to go to the same plan parenthood to get a renewal. You may ask for your records to take to Canada with you. Or you may tell your doctor at Plan Parenthood that you are considering going out of the country for a few months and ask if you can get a few extra months worth so you don't run out there.

Best luck !Health Question & Answer

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