Placenta Previa Confusion?!

Question: Placenta Previa Confusion.?
I am 14 weeks and was just diagnosed with Complete Placenta Previa. This is my second pregnancy, and I dealt with Partial PP & Vasa Previa with my first pregnancy. I'm not surprised with the diagnosis, but am very confused about some things...

I asked about my placenta during the ultrasound and the sonographer said it was low-lying and even showed what she was seeing. Two days later, the nurse called and said I had 'PP and pelvic rest was being recommended, which meant no intercourse.'

Having been through this before, I know there are other restrictions with pelvic rest. Plus, I wanted to find out what level of PP I had, especially having heard the sonographer's opinion. The nurse said it was complete PP, that intercourse was my only restriction- I can still exercise & lift weights (including my daughter) as long as I don't bleed. They plan on keeping me on pelvic rest until my 20 week ultrasound. I didn't mention the sonographer because I don't want to get her in trouble, knowing that she may not be allowed to disclose information directly to me.

Question #1- what is your opinion on the different diagnoses between the sonographer & doctor's office.?

Question #2- have you ever heard of only limiting intercourse, not any other activities.?

Thanks for your input!
LauraHealth Question & Answer

the sonographer is not a Dr, she is a technician, I would believe the Dr over the technician.

Apparently your Dr feels that due to your particular circumstances that intercourse would create a far greater risk of causing bleeding that say, lifting your child. Health Question & Answer

the sonographer can tell you what they see within certain limits. they are not permitted to make a final diagnoses. I had to go in for an u/s with my first late in pregnancy and found out my son was breech. My doctor did not notice at my appointment but the tech told me and left the room to call my doc becasue I was 37weeks at that point. What you hear at the doctors office is what comes from the final radiology report. you have a right to a hard copy of these reports to read for yourself. Just ask your doc for a photo copy.
Sorry I haven't had Placenta Previa so I can't help with question #2Health Question & Answer

Firstly congrats on being pregnant with number 2 :-)
I have 3 girls myself. I didn't have the PP you mentioned but my placenta was down low and partially not attached properly and this did cause some bleeding with all 3 pregnancies. As the baby grew, it slowly moved up, reattached itself and bleeding stopped. I also have a friend that had similar prognosis for her pregnancy where she wasn't allowed to have sex at all as this would aggravate the cervix and obviously placenta on the other side. I personally would go with the worst case scenario and not do any exercise, just not worth the risk especially for 9 short months. With intercourse, I'd probably hold off too for at least until 30 weeks as if your body does decide to go into labour, bub has a good chance of survival on the outside. Limit picking up your daughter and if she does want a hug, come down to her level or get her up on a chair and hug her. I hope you have plenty of family and friends around to help you out as this will make it easier for you. Good luck Laura and all the very best for a safe arrival of number 2.
Tanya Health Question & Answer

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