What do you think i should do about this ?!

Question: What do you think i should do about this .?
I missed 2 of my birth control pills because i was sick. I now have cramping and some bleeding. In the pack im on my 10th day/pill.

Im wondering if i should just stop taking the pills and have my period for 7 days and then just start a new pack.? Or if i should just continue taking the pills even though im getting this breakthrough bleeding period.?

Thanks in advance!Health Question & Answer

You have a couple options:
One. wait for your period to end and then either resume taking the pills in the pack you're on, or start a new pack.
Or Two. Start either taking the pills in the pack you're on, or starting a new pack in the morning. This could end your period early, depending on how heavy your flow is.
I usually go with option one and then continue the pack I was on.
But I do agree with the other person who answered, maybe you should try the other easy-to-remember options out there.? (Although you do have to take yaz and seasonique every day, those are both the pill)
Just a few suggestions, don't take the patch, it always falls off early and leaves icky sticky marks. Don't use an IUD, they hurt like a mother. Don't get the shot, it makes you gan a ton of weight.
I recommend the ring (I think it's nuva ring).
Just remember that if you want to regulate your period, you need to use hormonal types of birth control.
Hope this helps! Good luck!Health Question & Answer

You should probably switch to a birth control that you don't have to constantly remember to take everyday. Maybe like Yaz or Seasonique. I'm no expert on birth control but if your skipping pills and forgetting to take them it's only a matter of time before your pregnant. Health Question & Answer

You can just continue on with the pills and forget about the 2 you missed. The spotting will continue for a few days. Or you can make this your placebo break and go from there. Either way you are NOT "safe" this cycle now until you begin the next pack. Do whichever suits you.Health Question & Answer

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