How do I go about donating my eggs? ?!

Question: How do I go about donating my eggs.? .?
I was reading an article today about a woman who used a donor egg to have her baby, and she was saying that many women miss out on having children because there simply aren't enough eggs. I've got far more than I'll ever use, and if it means I can help someone have a baby, I'm happy to go through some pain.
Reading the article really got me thinking, and I really want to be able to help someone. I feel kind of selfish keeping all mine, when there are women who can't have children.
So, anyway, how can I donate my eggs.? Is there a certain age limit.? What tests do I need to go through.? Any help greatly appreciated.Health Question & Answer

It's a very big deal to donate eggs... and it can be pretty hard on your body. It's not just "some pain"... it's a total disruption of your life in many ways.

Tests.? Yes, they'll want to find out if you have any genetic conditions or psychiatric issues that would make you unsuitable, among many other things.

Read through this page: to see what sorts of things are involved.Health Question & Answer

its a tough process.
you have to be between the ages of 21 and 30 and very very healthy.
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