The last time I had my period was Thanksgiving of '07...?!

Question: The last time I had my period was Thanksgiving of '07....?
I'm a teenager and had my period semi-regularly for 2 or 3 years. I also have other "symptoms", though not necessarily associated. Lower back pain/discomfort, headaches, fatigue, severe mood swings (one moment cheery, the next either red with rage of crying my eyes out), obesity, shaking of the hands occasionally that accompany hunger. I also have several purple bumps that look like spider bites on the insides of my upper thighs. I did think they were spider bites at first, but they just kept returning so I stopping messing with them. If you have any idea, please tell me.

I know I need to see a doctor, but I have no medical insurance and my family can't afford a medical bill right now, so if I'm not dying, I'm not going.Health Question & Answer

If you are still in school, you can talk to the school nurse for free. Could it be possible that you have an eating disorder or an STD.? If you are severely under or over weight, your body will stop menstruating as a form of protecting itself. I think that you can also go to Planned Parenthood and get a pap for free. You could also be severely stressed out, that will cause your period to stop as well. I would recommend either visiting and talking to your school nurse, looking for and visiting Planned Parenthood in your area, or checking to see if you can find a free OB/GYN clinic in your area.

I hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

How do you know you're not dying unless you go.?.?

You remind me of an episode of 'Mystery Diagnosis'.

Anyway - not having your period for almost a year.?.? I know some people, especially teens, can have irregular periods - but skipping a whole year.? Sounds like you could have hormonal imbalances. The purple bumps sound seem the most concerning (next to skipping a whole year of periods). This could have some major impacts on your health down the line - you really should see a doctor very soon.

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It is imperative you seek the advice from a doctor. Then getting proper information on Women's Health is also very important.
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could you be pregnant.?
and you must go to the havent had your period for almost a full year and that indicates something's up....and you need to find out what.Health Question & Answer

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