[girls only]about breasts...how do they get bigger,how to get bigger,and is my size normal for my age? 10 pts.?!

Question: [girls only]about breasts...how do they get bigger,how to get bigger,and is my size normal for my age.? 10 pts..?
How would you without taking pills, or getting implants.?
And is my size average for my age or bigger.?
I am 13 with 34 B. I had my period now for 2 years, and im wondering will it grow bigger.? Would genetics be a role in this.? (like all the girls in my family have double D's or bigger, expect my dads side of the family, and i look like my mom, and her side of the family more)
How do the breasts get bigger.?

Im just curious and wondering. thanks! girls only, and 10 points for best answer :)Health Question & Answer

Well you get bigger breast as your body starts to develop. You have entered the stage of puberty so you will be experiencing changes. I think that you are actually a big cup size for you age, because all girls stop growing when they are 18. Breast get bigger also when you gain weight, because breast are pretty much fat and glands.Health Question & Answer

Your breasts will keep growing until you are around the age of 18 or 19. This initially depends on when you started puberty though. If majority of the females in your Mom's family have bigger breasts, you most likely will too. However, you could have inherited your future breast size after your Dad's family as well. It's hard to tell right now

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