Why is it that whenever I ask a question about my birth control?!

Question: Why is it that whenever I ask a question about my birth control.?
People either
1) Don't read my question and say I'm pregnant even when I clearly state that I've never had sex
2) Tell me I shouldn't be taking it.?

They don't know how terrible my periods were before I started taking it or why I started taking it (obviously if I was a virgin I wouldn't be taking it to prevent a pregnancy) so why do they always do that and never actually answer my question.?

I always get like 2 good answers and then like 11 other answers telling me to stop taking it or that I'm pregnant. Why do people do that.?Health Question & Answer

Well, birth control is mainly used to prevent pregnancy. Some people don't know the other uses for it. Like how it regulates your hormones, or regulates your period. So they automatically assume it's a pregnancy issue. And some people only read the question, not the description that goes with it.

I know the feeling about horrible periods, and using birth control to make it better. I was on the pill for a few months, and even though it regulated my period, I was still in A LOT of pain. So I switched to the birth control shot just to not have my period at all.

I am also a virgin on birth control. And people still assume that I'm on birth control for the sex. But I don't have sex! Haha, so I know where you are coming from. Basically, just ignore the answers that don't help your questions.

Hope the birth control is helping you get through those dang monthly visits that no one likes! :)Health Question & Answer

1. People tend to skim the questions and miss the details
2. They have a bad experience with something and believe that no one can benefit from it
3. They are judgmental
4. Lack of knowledge of additional details

Yahoo Answers offers a wealth of information, but you need to be adept at picking through the crap, ignoring the false and rude ****, and listening to those who actually have accurate, open-minded answers.Health Question & Answer

My guess would be that most people just assume that since you're talking about birth control, you just HAVE to be pregnant/having sex. I have the same problem, and therefore no longer ask questions about my birth control here. I'd rather wait the extra day and call my clinic - at least they are more decent in their responses.

If it makes you feel any better, I know exactly how you feel. I started taking BC due to horrid periods as well. Some people just don't realize that when they get so bad that nothing works, birth control is the last & best option left.Health Question & Answer

I'm a 28 year old virgin and I've been on the birth control pill for 12 years! Going on the pill doesn't make you a "whore". I had to go on them because I was having horrible cramps with my period and the hormones in the pill help regulate my body. I still get a little cramping, but WAY less than I used to.
I'm glad that you've gotten help from your doctor and stop listening to incompetent people with dumb answers.Health Question & Answer

People have a tendency to project their own beliefs onto others. So if they think the pill is wrong, they will tell you to stop taking it. If they think only promiscuous people take the pill, they'll assume you're pregnant.

It's sad, but that's human nature for you.Health Question & Answer

Take that as a sign that you should be asking your doctor these questions. Not a bunch of random, opinionated idiots on the internet.Health Question & Answer

You can figure that lots of folks are just trying to stack up 2 point answers and don't read very closely. Others just plain don't know HOW to read closely.Health Question & Answer

Because it's called BIRTH CONTROL. although it can help with periods, the name gives people a hint...Health Question & Answer

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