How often can you get a migraine attack during pregnancy?!

Question: How often can you get a migraine attack during pregnancy.?

the visual stuff like the flashing lights and dark spots..
i am getting them every day
sometimes more than once a day..
i have been to heaps of doctors have told my doctor during check ups have been to the ER have been to the optometrist no one can tell me anything.
is it normal to have it this frequent. i have never even had a migraine before i was pregnant. did anyone else experience this.. i am really worried..
should i be so concerned i don't know.?
Health Question & Answer

I got horrible migraines.. I couldn't see out of one eye and id just sleep and sleep it was horrible its got something to do with the imbalance of hormones.. Id just like to add there is a BIG difference between a head ache and migraine people who have never suffered from a migraine have no idea how bad they can be.. If you think its bad enough go to the ER i know that once I had one so bad I started fitting and they thought i was having a stroke but no migraine.Health Question & Answer

First seek the advice from a doctor. Then getting proper information on Women's Health is also very important.
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Health Question & Answer

I've had 3 pregnancies and I can tell you that with each one I get headaches, sometimes seeming like migraines, in the first 6-10 weeks. I do not normally get headaches otherwise. I think it has something to do w/ hormones, but that's just my opinion - I don't know for sure.

Otherwise, many times headaches can be caused by dehydration - not enough water.Health Question & Answer

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