How can I stay awake in the morning? ?!

Question: How can I stay awake in the morning.? .?
I've been sleeping during class. Mostly in the morning classes between 9:30/10:20. I even fell asleep in the morning in the hall. I was late for class and got a detention. So I went to bed earlier. And I think something else is wrong. I don't have narcalepse. I went to the doctor and he said everything was fine. So whats with this.? How can I stay awake.?Health Question & Answer

I hate to recommend caffeine, but drinking a cup of tea in the morning might give you just enough to help you stay awake. It's sometimes hard to stay awake when you're just sitting there. Are you getting enough sleep at night.? Is it possible that you have sleep apnea.? That will mess you up terribly because you get really broken sleep. Maybe check into that. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

You fell asleep in the Hall.?.?.?
That is NOT normal! You should have a sleep study done. The doctors must have missed something.
What is your sleep schedule like.? How about your diet habits.?

If everything is normal, I'd definitely schedule another appointment and tell her what you told us. You could have sleep apnea or any number of other things that are harder to find.

One other thing...
Are you anxious during that time of day (a hard class or students you want to avoid).? When my anxiety is at it's highest I fall asleep... I have a cataplexia attack where my voice will slur and I lose control of my muscles- then I just go to sleep.
If you are suffering from extreme anxiety, antidepressants may help.
You may also benefit from a medicine called Provigil. I take it and it's awesome... but incredibly expensive (for me, a months supply is $80. AFTER excellent insurance).Health Question & Answer

Do you take a multi-vitamin every day.? That might help. also, try eating a breakfast that's high in protein like eggs or plain yogurt. Avoid breakfast foods high in sugar like cereal, donuts, regular flavored yogurt, etc. If you eat the breakfast foods with sugar, you are likely crashing by the time you get to your morning classes.Health Question & Answer

Try getting more rest, around what time do you go to bed every night on average. Every morning for me to stay awake I get up and just sit in my bed for a few minutes, give my eyes a chance to get used to being awake and my body to wake up as well. Hope this helped.Health Question & Answer

How much you sleep matters a lot. If you sleep too little, you're tire, if you sleep to much, you're tired. Depending on how old you are, drink coffee. That helped me out a lot during high school and college. Health Question & Answer

how bout you grow some balls zarbon, you dutty greeb.

I think you should try eating breakfast in the morning.? and have a shower or wash your face.Health Question & Answer

lemon is going to help u. Health Question & Answer

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