Should I switch birth control pills (again)?!

Question: Should I switch birth control pills (again).?
Ok basically it's a pretty complex story but basically.
I'm on the pill for irregular periods. Very very- my periods lasted 6 weeks.
I tried two types- Microgynon 30 and Loestrin 20. Had to stop for 3 months- doctor told me too.
They made me so moody it was horrible. I cried for hours and hours and hours every night for weeks.

Anyway I've been on Marvelon now for almost 2 months.
I don't know if what I feel is just me- or if it is the pill.
I've been more dizzy- but then I'm always quite dizzy.
The last couple of weeks I've been so tired but in a strange way. I just need to lie down and do nothing and I'm fine but not sleep. I mean I go to bed at 8- but don't fall asleep til 10- I just need to be doing nothing.
(going to bed at 8 is giving me trouble at school- I don't have time to do my work!)
also I've been feeling a bit emotional again. Blanking out and not wanting to talk to anyone, crying at nothing, angry etc. (But then I've felt exactly the same off the pill..) Yesterday I was crying for hours because I wanted to quit school...

also finally, I've never like going out. I'd always rather stay in. But I'd managed to make myself go but these days I'm finding it harder to get myself out again (even for school which I used to be fine with) But then there's times when I'm fine.
I can't figure out if it's me or the pills doing this...

What shall I do.?
(If anyone can understand this question enough to answer then thanks, because I can't even understand what I just said myself...)

Oh and I'm 17.Health Question & Answer

I was on the weakest pill available when I first went on it. I had very heavy periods that lasted 2 weeks and massive cramps where I would collapse on the floor in tears. I was gradually increased until I was on the strongest available and still nothing was changing.

The conclusion was that I was sensitive to estrogen and there was nothing anyone could do about it... until I found out that the contraceptive implant didn't contain any estrogen.

Since then, my periods are a lot lighter, less frequent and shorter in duration. My longest period lasted 4 weeks but it was mostly spotting and it was after 6 months of no bleeding. My shortest has been a couple of days. But I'm happy with that if it means no pain and very little bleeding a few times a year.

It hurt to get it put in (the anesthetic, not the implant) and nearly collapsed soon after (aparently that's normal), but otherwise, I've had it in for 2 years now and loving it. It's so much better then the pill.

also when I was on the pill, I was very moody too. Especially depressed. I felt so alone even though I had loads of friends and although I never thought about harming myself, I constantly thought about running away and disappearing. About 90% of these feelings dissappeared once I stopped the pill.

The only downfall that I found with stopping the pill, I have fantastic skin while on it. It was flawless! But now that I'm off it, I've always got pimples - not acne, just pimples.

But that is all my own opinion. Another advantage, it's almost virtually impossible to fall pregnant with it, it's more effective then the pill and you don't have to remember to take it at the same time ever day either.

So rather then a different type of pill, what about looking into a differenet type of contraceptive.?Health Question & Answer

Just a 17yrs girl should not even think of any birth control, I believe you are not looking for a child yet , if that is the case then why bother your self with all the family planning methods and yet you have no family to plan.

I would advice you chill / abstain and forget a bout family planning or use condom. Because it is the safest method.Health Question & Answer

Sorry you are hhaving so much trouble.. the best thing to do go to your doctor..make sure and tell him all of what is going on...Health Question & Answer

I understand what you are saying. I suggest you talk to your doctor about it. Hope this helps...Health Question & Answer

Your hormones naturaly are very wild in your body. Ask your doc about Kariva, (Miracette) or Nuvaring, those are the lowest dose of hormones. I have the same problem with the mood swings, crying, tired, just wanting to do nothing, that all the pill. Pill can cause depression if u let it because of the overall bad mood. I got depressed too.

So, yes, switch until u find the right one, then your body will get use to it, then the mood swings start again, then switch birth control again. That's the way it is for me though.Health Question & Answer

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