Plz help me girl thing!!!!!!!!!?!

Question: Plz help me girl thing!!!!!!!!!.?
im 15 and i have a really tender tummy and really tender breast and my tummy has been getting bigger. i took a test and it was positive and i took one the next day and it was positive. plz help me.? how do i tell my parents.? what do i do about school.? im really scared!!!Health Question & Answer

calm down, i can tell your trest you must tell them you cant go to school after 5 months of pregnancy.
i know your scared there's nothing worse than feeling like that you must feel alone.
dont take any pain killers cause of the baby. sit your mum down and tell her that your scared and you need her to help you. she is your mother she should understand you need her to be there for you, its going to be hard but you will be fine.
email me if u want to hun,
and i can try and set up a chat room with you, please tell your mum she needs to know so you can get your scan and see if the baby is ok.
the pains are normal, but tell the doctor when you go see him it might be because your so young your body is not use to it.

tell her please, good luck email me if you need someone to talk to.
dont listen to the other people who give you negetive answers you must feel so down as it is you dont need any one talking you down ok.
Health Question & Answer

see how far you can get with this situation out without telling yuor parents. But if you want it off your shoulders it will be a hell of a lot easier to tell them. I had an STI about a year ago and managed to keep it all from them but it was hard. Go for the most calm out of you mum and dad. They can then tell the other the best way. But definitly see a doctor asafp, they can help, seeing doctors alot, they know what they are talking about.
If you are concerned about school i suggest you have an abortion, however you sound quite far gone. If you think you can get through it without that measure i take my hat off to you. But seriously, seek help from a doctor. I also suggest going on the pill or getting an implant in the future. I have an implant and it is really affective for preventing pregnancies. Obviously not STIs but i strongly suggest it.
Good luck i really hope this helps. xx
Health Question & Answer

You have to make a decision. Are you ready for a child or not.? If so, how are you going to care for it.? If not, are you going to give it up for adoption, give it to a family member, or abort it.?

This choice is entirely yours, and no one can tell you what the right choice is for you.

You can always go back to school. You don't need to complete it in 4 years, however I do suggest you make a point of finishing it.

Either way, I think you need to tell your parents. As infuriated as they may be, they are there to support you. They will help you make the right decision.

Best of luck.Health Question & Answer

Just tell them there is no good time to do it. Take them aside and just tell them. They probably won't be happy at first but they can't prevent it so they just have to get over it. As for school. Go for as long as you can then after your baby take some time off. When you feel your ready you can look up schools for young moms or just look into getting your GED. You will be okay. Health Question & Answer

i think you should sit your parents down and explain ton them whats up they might be up set but should stand by you as they are your parents. they will be disappointed obviously the will. the best advise any one can give you should come for your mum as she has went though it with you.
best of luck
Health Question & Answer

honey it sounds like you're pregnant. you need to sit down and say something like 'mom, dad, i'm pregnant'. if you don't feel comfortable telling them yourself, find a trustworthy family member or friend present with you or have them tell your parents for you.

good luck.Health Question & Answer

there is no easy way to tell them they will probably cry because you're only 15! but either way you have to tell them because they will support you in the end because they're your parents. just sit them down and tell them. in person.Health Question & Answer

ask them that u need to talk to them and just tell them and think about your options on keeping the baby or having an abortion.... im 20 and pregnant and going to have a abortion because i know i cant support a baby right now , im just starting school.... good luckHealth Question & Answer

you just have to be upfront
if you cant bear to tell them then
write it on a peice of paper and go for a walk while they read it.
explain your feelings to them.Health Question & Answer

first thing to do is tell a doctor as they will give a midwife that will help you through the difficult stages and they will help u and encourage you 2 tell ur parents!Health Question & Answer

Speak to your mother calmly, as a woman im sure she will support you, good luck xHealth Question & Answer

telll ur mum only let her deal with your dad if you tell her now she might not get so mad and tell the dadHealth Question & Answer

you might be pregnantHealth Question & Answer

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