I'm a 13 years old rape victim and I wonder would the pain of getting rapped by someone I trusted ever go away?!

Question: I'm a 13 years old rape victim and I wonder would the pain of getting rapped by someone I trusted ever go away.?
Miss, with time, some of the event may fade, but there are subtle and fundamental changes that have happened inside of your mind and you need to be aware that your life will be different and that is not a bad thing per se.

many years ago, it was snowing and a woman (a friend of a friend) needed to get home and the snow was pretty deep. I was asked to drive her home and as we were going through the process of finding ways around drifts and keeping in tracks, the woman was shaking uncontrollably. I kept adding heat to the vehicle until finally i told her, i'm sorry your cold, but the car is too hot for me, i have to turn it down.

she then told me she was not cold, she had been raped and had a fear of men.....we later became friends

another friend relives her rape every day, (it was 30 years ago) and she is in and out of a mental treatment place. there is nothing wrong with her, she just wants to relive it and play it out differently and fight the guy off. she was attacked with a knife.

two different women, a similar experience. the first went on with life and the other kept reliving the event. one is well off the other is not.

you have to live. you have to go on with your life. don't ponder will i forget, just live. make good friends and do things together. and the time will fade the event.

you may still not feel safe alone with certain people and that is just fine. you may not walk where it is dark, and that is okay.

i recently came back from iraq and i try my best to stay in the shadows and not silouette myself. i sleep with a loaded pistol and a german shepherd in the room to awaken me as i'm rather deaf. i did not do that until i came out of combat. now i do.

the changes may be subtle, but they will be there and they are not bad.

email me if you want to talk, but i urge you to make good friends and listen to any guy who loves you for you who warns you of guys to avoid. someone who loves you has no vested interest in you apart from you being well so they will not try to decieve you.

i wish you the best in your life Health Question & Answer

The physical pain will go but not the emotional. If you haven't already told a parent, a friend or the police then you really should. It's not good to keep your feelings bottled up. Especially as it was by somebody you trust. There are loads of organizations for rape victims like yourself, and i'm sorry but i don't know one off the top of my head so do an internet search and ring up or something. i don't know from personal experience or anything but trust me it will really help you =) xxHealth Question & Answer

The only way to make the pain go away is to face the ordeal and learn to heal from within. It will take a lot of time and counseling. Have you spoken to a rape counselor and your parents.? If not, you should start seeking the counseling you need right away. If you can't afford to see a therapist, consider talking with a church pastor. Their counseling is free, and can ofter refer you to good qualified therapists that will work with you on fees. also contact public health for other references.

My prayers are with you.
Health Question & Answer

It wont go away, but you can find ways to cope with it so that it doesnt affect the rest of your life, like all of the answers I URGE you to talk to someone (if you havent done already), you need help to deal with this it is not something that anyone should cope with on their own. Go to a guidance teacher or ask to see a counsellor or therapist.

Can I just add - some of the people who have answered have offered you to contact them - while their intention is probably to be a support for you, be careful you dont know these people and you are very vulnerable, turn to someone professional.
Please don't take offense to this I know those of you who have offered support are probably genuine but some might not be - that is a sad fact.Health Question & Answer

I'm very sorry to hear something so terrible happened to you and so young. It will not completely go away but you ought to confide in someone, perhaps a counselor if you can. In time you should gradually feel less pain. Maybe you could speak to friends or your parents, too. You need to know you're not alone and can count on someone to help you through this.Health Question & Answer

Seriously it varies from person to person. It'll take a lot of time to build up trust for others. Once you find someone in the future that you can be open with about this, and they'll be understanding of you - you'll feel a lot better. I was molested by my sister and it took me so long, I was so insecure with my body and I didn't want to get close to anybody, it was so hard for me. I have a boyfriend now and he knows about it - and knows why I am who I am, and it's great to have someone who understands what I'm all about. : ) It might be good for you, to talk to a counselor at school, or maybe go to a group meeting for pre-teens who were raped, they DO exist..Health Question & Answer


I don't think it will go away just like that..

bad experiences are hard to forget, especially in your case,
the feeling will always be there but eventually the pain will decrease as you grow out of your trauma,

I hope you recover quickly,
and I'm sorry.. Health Question & Answer

oh, i was raped at 13, in febuary. it is difficult and you will feel alot of pain trust me but just tell someone that you trust, you think it wont help but it really does, im still having councelling over it but it will be ok. they will help you through all the emotional pain :). message me or something if you need to ever talk to someone and you just cant get the guts to tell someone. hope your ok .Health Question & Answer

I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I urge you to seek your school counselor for support and talk to your mom about it. She will also need to take you to get outside counseling (meaning outside the school) for you and your family. But to answer your question: no, don't think you'll trust easily after this experience.Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry for what happened. Time helps, and telling an adult you can trust too. Hopefully it wasn't your parent(s). You should tell them. Did you get a rape kit or see a doctor.? You should do that ASAP. Plus there has to be support groups in your area for survivors of rape and sexual abuse. Do a search online and see what's available.Health Question & Answer

i wouldn't think so because when u go to bed at night u will be scared every single night i fell so bad for u

hope u get rid of it

funny girl gone madHealth Question & Answer

i think it prolly will you just gotta wate until the times right and you love the person your with then try to face that fear!!Health Question & Answer

no... i dont think so ... it will always be there for you even when u feel its gone
and i hope you told someone about this ...!!!
n sry about that Health Question & Answer

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