Tests normal, on to the next thing?!

Question: Tests normal, on to the next thing.?
I have been dealing with this for a while. I feel like I am burning up. Some times it is just a few times a day and sometimes i am fine, but for the most part I feel like I am hot. I take my temperature and it is lower that normal. I am only 27 so I do not think I am going through menopause. The heat seems to be in the trunk of my body. My face and neck and back. my extremities are cold and always have been. I have chills and goose bumps, but no fever. I have use two different thermometers and a mercury thermometer as well and I don't even reach 98.6. Help me I am freaking out!

I got my test results back this morning. My GP tested my thyroid and and for diabetes , anemia, The looked for a few things with my thyroid so I know she was covering all the bases. All cam back normal. I was up all night long with chills and shaking, but my temp stayed normal. My skin still felt hot to the touch on my back and face all the while I have goose bumps and chills.

As a last resort I called my OBGYN. I described my symptoms and she wants to see me right away. She said she wanted to do a follicle test. I am not sure what that is, but I am guessing she is looking to see if I am ovulating. I told her that my periods have been getting further apart and often times go 48 days between cycles. This has been so frustrating. My other doctor says it is stress or anxiety, but I just do not think so. I am not giving up. I will find out what is wrong with me.

If it was hormonal wouldn't a thyroid test have picked that up.? Health Question & Answer

First of all it can be hormonal, even with a negative thyroid test, which only gives information about the function of the thyroid gland. You were right to call your OBGYN, because it could very well be an ovarian problem. You were also right about thinking of menopause, which is not the case given your young age. Although the mechanism may be similar to menopause. During menopause there is a fall in estrogen levels because of the ovary not working anymore. This fall in estrogen provokes a deregulation of the corporal thermostat, which is located in the hypothalamus. So you should get a checkup in order to see if your ovarian function is alright. The additional symptoms you're describing (vaginal dryness and lacking sex drive) could also be caused by lack of estrogen.
You should have an ovarian ultrasound in order to detect any cysts, and blood test in order to see if homonal levels (estrogen, progesterone, FSH, LH) are normal.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like your OB/GYN is headed in the right direction. Just because you are young does not mean that you cannot have some problem with your hormones, especially since your other symptoms like longer periods, vaginal dryness and lack sex drive are all typical low estrogen issues. If you are taking birth control pills you may need a different type.

The thyroid function tests do not test your female hormones.

If your OB/GYN doesn't come up with something maybe check with an Endocrinologist. Health Question & Answer

follow-up with your obgyn and hopefully she can help you figure out what is wrong, or if not, point you in the right direction.

Not all hormones are regulated by the thyroid, some are regulated by the ovaries and adrenalin is from the adrenal glands at tip of kidneys.

I am pretty sure that stress would not consistently cause your periods to be so far apart, 48 days is beyond what is considered "normal," so that may be a good clue.

although some people have a lower than normal temperature, I think there is something else going on. Be persistent, yet also patient. Just be sure that there is always a next step if the answer isn't found.

Good luck and i hope you get this figured out soon.Health Question & Answer

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