What exactly is this...?!

Question: What exactly is this....?
I was just about finished my period when hubby and I decided to have sex. After we were done I noticed I was bleeding so I went to clean up. All of a sudden I had blood dripping down my legs, it was so dark it looked almost black. So I sat on the toilet and out and 2 clots, one was really big. After that the bleeding pretty well stopped and its just a little heavier than what it was before we had sex (more or less just spotting - not enough to even reach the pad I put on). Does anyone know what this was exactly.? Did hubby "bang" the remaining bit of uterine lining out or what.? It really freaked me out.Health Question & Answer

A uterine spasm probably brought on with orgasm was enough to bring on heavy bleeding with clots. Health Question & Answer

My guess would be that you just pushed the remainder of your period out. If you have excessive bleeding in the next day, see your doctor. You are probably okay.Health Question & Answer

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