Does anybody have an idea as to what is wrong with me?!

Question: Does anybody have an idea as to what is wrong with me.?
This is kind of a follow up to a question I asked just last night. I thought that some symptoms of mine could have been the result of PMDD but now I am not so sure. If you have not read my last question here is my situation: I have problems with my body image and also with my eating habits; I tend to not have good eating habits and will find myself binging without even realizing I was doing it. I've been seeing a psychologist and felt as though I was making some progress. I felt calmer and in control; I didn't feel rushed to change anything about myself overnight. I was feeling better about myself. But, now I feel completely hopeless; my old ways have come back and I cannot even recall some of the things my psychologist has said to me. This is nothing new. Even before I started seeing a psychologist I had noticed that from the time my period starts to about a week afterwards I feel in control and confident. During this time I feel as though progress is being made in bettering my eating habits. BUT, the two weeks before my period starts, I feel absolutely frantic when it comes to eating! It is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! I truly have no control over what I eat and find myself eating everything I shouldn't and there is nothing I can do to stop myself. It frustrates me because it feels as though as soon as I start making some progress, WHAM! I hit a brick wall and have to start all over again. It wears me down a lot! At first I thought maybe it was PMDD but now I'm not so sure because I don't find myself breaking down crying, (for the most part) my social skills are the same, etc. My main symptoms are that I don't like to look at myself in the mirror, I am harsh with the way I judge my looks, I can't control what I eat, and I feel really frantic and upset with myself.

PLEASE, does anyone know what this could mean.? I honestly don't think It's PMDD but I do think there is something wrong with me.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like a combination of a slight eating disorder combined with where you are in your cycle. It may not be PMDD but sounds like you do get a type of premenstrual syndrome that causes you to eat a lot before your period. I tend to really eat a lot a week before my period. I'm like a bottomless pit! I feel bad about it but then it goes away shortly after I start my period. Hormones cause these type of symptoms in a lot of women. If you have had self esteem and eating disorder issues, this is going to cause you more worry than people who have not dealt with your issues. Try to take a brisk walk, for about 15 minutes to a half hour a day, when you are feeling out of control. Releasing the chemicals into your brain from exercise (endorphins.?) can help you manage better. You ARE making progress because you don't feel this way all month long! And, just because you don't feel like crying doesn't mean it's not hormonal.
Health Question & Answer

It's an eating disorderHealth Question & Answer

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