If prostitution were legal and morally acceptable, would you consider turning a few tricks here and there?!

Question: If prostitution were legal and morally acceptable, would you consider turning a few tricks here and there.?
To pay bills, etc.Health Question & Answer

Hmm... anyone familiar with me (personally or via my answers here) would probably expect me to say "oh fekk yeah!" ... and then I'd have to add my own disclaimer. (o_O) In fact, I have a feeling that there are many people who mistake my love of sex for the answer above (by "le VicSter!"). ::lol:: It bothers me so much that so many people equate a healthy love of sex for being a $lut. Crikey. Just because I'm comfortable in my sensuality doesn't mean I have no self-respect.


True, there is only one thing that I need as much as air. And it's not food. ::g:: However, after actually thinking the situation through for a moment, I would actually have to say *NO* to this question. I know, the shock of it could kill a person. ^_~

Prostitution implies that a person is sharing themselves for the profit, not the enjoyment. The person paying is expecting to get what they want, regardless of the person they're paying for it. That really does *not* work for me, regardless of what I might get as payment. Why.? Well there are three reasons I love sex:

* The first (and biggest) is because I made the decision long ago only to share myself with those whom I have a certain... connection, I suppose you could call it. People I know will be just as into it as I am. Because of this, I can count on one hand the bad experiences I've had, and have fingers left over. Pretty good ratio in this day and age.

* The second is because it's a huge turn-on for me to know that I can pleasure someone... not because I *have* to (such as if I were to be paid), but because I am able to, just by being *me*. Even when I'm a sub, it still turns the other person on, and that makes me feel d@mn good. ^_^

* The third, and final, reason is because (complete honesty here) I love pleasure. Life without pleasure is like living in an area with unclean water... you can drink it if your survival depends on it, but it'll suck big time. And I wouldn't be able to expect to receive pleasure every time (some of the times, I'm sure, but certainly not *every* time).

So I would much rather share myself with those who can freely give (and take), with no constraints, dependent upon no payment, and without feeling like they were somehow less of a person because they needed to pay for something they are only human for desiring. Knowing I can *give* pleasure is payment enough for me. ^_^Health Question & Answer

That's a big "IF". Legal is easy: there's lots of places where it's legal. Morally acceptable.? To whom.? Society at large, or to me.? I don't think I've ever actually heard of prostitution really being "morally acceptable" in society; it's often tolerated, but I suspect that half the thrill for many of the clients is the taboo, anyway.

If society had no qualms at all, though, I still would (have qualms). Prostitution is using other people. I tend to like to think of sex as part of sharing something enjoyable with someone you at least like and respect -- performing a task for pay takes out all the "sharing" and "fun" aspects. I certainly wouldn't like or respect someone who offered me money to do something I had wanted to do either because it's right, or out of friendship or love. Once someone offered me money for helping her do something that I wanted to do as a friendly guesture, hoping to become friends with her -- I was astonished and felt repelled, like she wanted to keep me distant, just use me. I politely refused the money, helped her anyway, and never became friends. So, my answer would be "no".Health Question & Answer

If it was legal, acceptable, AND std's did not exist (my biggest worry)...

Then yeah, probably. Lol
Maybe once, for fun. I think it would be an interesting experience. If it was morally acceptable, then I wouldn't feel bad about it, and I wouldn't feel like a slut.

I would feel like I'm being paid for something rather fun!

(However, I think being demeaned might be a turn on for me. :P lol)

Oh, and it would have to be a handsome man. I wouldn't sell my body to an old, ugly man. Health Question & Answer

No. I actually lived in Nye County, Nevada briefly. I never once felt the slightest temptation to sell myself to total strangers, never. Not even once.
For any one who might not know, prostitution is legal in Nye county. They have actual brothels. The good news is all the woman who work there do it voluntarily and the property tax is really low because the brothels pay most of it.Health Question & Answer

If it were legal and that was the only job available for me at 37 (with a small gut and more grey hair every day) I would probably end up homeless because of a lack of customers! ! ! !

Even if there were willing paying customers they would probably be much older than me and not attractive so I might have a problem "performing" for them anyway! ! !Health Question & Answer

ar no ...there are other jobs out there that a lady can do to earn money to pay the bills believe it or not, stripping and prostitution are not the only options we girls have . There r great jobs out there with a much lower risk of contracting syphillisHealth Question & Answer

You know what sure why not. I'd be getting paid to do something I enjoy and that I'm good at. It wouldn't be like my full time job, but if it came down to not having food to put on the table for my child or turn a trick I'm turning that trick baby. Health Question & Answer

Nope, theres no respect in selling your body or in giving it away to everyone who asks.

Its not worth it considering the risk of stds when having multiple partners.Health Question & Answer

depends on how much i was getting paid, LOL
i like they way it sounds though,everyone needs extra money for something especially with the holidays coming up, Health Question & Answer

well the secretary at my work once said she hates needles so much she'd rather get on her knees than give blood for whatever it is that they pay for donating bloodHealth Question & Answer


I love your little disclaimer.

no i probably would not just because i would still feel weird about it even if it were acceptable.Health Question & Answer

Probably! My freakin furnace just broke and it's super expensive!!

Anyone have any BETTER ideas!!.?.?.? lolHealth Question & Answer

No i wouldnt,because i respect myself and my body and i would like for others to do the same.Health Question & Answer

Heck no! Id rather be homeless then treat my body like that. I have respect for my body.Health Question & Answer

No. No. No. Never. No. No. Uh-uh. Nope. No way, no how. No.Health Question & Answer

No. Health Question & Answer

...No wayHealth Question & Answer

Absolutely not. I take more pride in myself than that. I'm not knocking anyone who chooses to do that, it's just not for me. Health Question & Answer

uhhhhhhmmmm GROSSSSSSS.... way to share vaginal fluids with 100 other different man!.Health Question & Answer

Some women already do that. It's called being a SLUT....only for free.Health Question & Answer

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