Endometriosis investigation...advice/ex... please!?!

Question: Endometriosis investigation...advice/experie
When you first go to the gyno they will just talk about why you were sent and take notes of your period pain etc. You may also get an internal exam which involves the gyno looking at your cervix. It shouldnt hurt. Then they will talk about your options and they are basically a laporosopy or a scan. Some hospitals offer both of these while some only offer one. A laporoscopy involves a small camara being inserted into you, just under your belly button. You will be inflated with gas and this allows them to look around your womb and if they find any endometriosis they will use a laser to burn it away. You wont have to stay overnight unless there is complications, which is rare. There will be discomfort afterwards and you should rest for at least a couple of days. A scan just involves them using an ultrasound to look at your womb, they can sometimes diagnos endometriosis from this but not always. When you go to the gyno you can discuss all of this and i hope you find out whats wrong.

Hope this helpsHealth Question & Answer

I have had endometriosos my whole life( now I am 46) and I have had 3 laparoscopy's, and finally a hsyterectomy(only becasue my case became extremely painful) . However, it can be controlled with laparoscopy's and hormones ( avoid estrogen, that is what makes it grow). Progestrogen pills will rid of your periods for awhile, and it will dissolve all the endometriosos away by iself (this takes about a year, but heck, no surgery required).Health Question & Answer

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