Septate hymen issue..?!

Question: Septate hymen issue...?
I'm an almost 18 year old virgin with well, a septate hymen. I'm going to have sex with my long distance boyfriend of almost 6 months when he moves in with me in November. Just basically, should I get it fixed at the doctors.? [I really REALLY don't want to] or should I just tell him.? he's really very understanding and stuff but it's just something I hate. Nobody really knows, I've tried talking to my mum but it's like she just wants to ignore it. Will my first time hurt more if I have this.? Or will it be the same if he goes slow.? or what.? And how much do you think I'd bleed.?Health Question & Answer

My advice would be for you to go to the doctor (your Obstetrician/Gynecologist) and have the tissue removed.

If you did not, then I would tell your boyfriend and ask him to go slowly. I would also suggest plenty of foreplay to make sure you were properly "lubricated" and have a jar of KY Jelly or other vaginal lubricant handy in case you cannot produce enough yourself.

Yes, it would probably hurt ( a good 75-90% chance) and almost certainly there will be some bleeding -- how much is always a variable with individual girls.

A third option is to break your hymen yourself by fingering yourself -- first with one finger, then two then three followed by using a tampon. Pain and bleeding will most likely occur, but you can do it as your own pace and in your own time.Health Question & Answer

Go to a gyno and have it removed. I'm sure your boyfriend will understand. You're 18, so you should be able to go and have it taken care of yourself. Health Question & Answer

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