Can you talk me out of quitting?!

Question: Can you talk me out of quitting.?
First of all let me explain. I have a disease where my body does not produce ANY sort of hormone in my body on my own. After years of trial and error(I was on pills for 90yr old women since 18 until I met a reproductive endrocinologist. She put me on birth control pills and said that birth control pills provide you with the right amount of hormones a 23yr old needs). I'm 23.

Well I've been on this since June and I have tons of physical, mental and emotional benefits from it.

Anyway the part I hate about it is because it is so strong. Whenever I see an attractive guy, if he smiles at me, or I check him out I am overwhelmed with this romantic feeling flooding like a waterfall. And if I hug a guy or touch the guy's arm whom I'm attracted to, his skin feels different than anyone else's skin. And when I watch tv and movies with love scenes(no lust feelings at all yet) those romantic feelings overwhelm me again.

I want to quit because it's so strong at times so I want you to talk me out of quitting and help me understand what I'm going through. Before I started the birth control pills, I never had romantic feelings at all!Health Question & Answer

i think what amyaz98 was trying to say was that you missed out on those teenage years when every girls goes through those feelings.
and so it is like you are going through your teenage years in your 20's. and it ussually lasts a few years then your hormones adjust. i think its gonna take some time for them to do just that. in the mean time embrace those feelings cuz there is nothing like them. i'm 22 and still have those feelings when i see a guy or touch a guy or see a hot guy on tv or a romantic scene in a movie. the feelings just aren't as strong as when i was like 14-19.
there is nothing wrong with you just go with the flow and eventually the feelings will weaken a bit. Health Question & Answer

Just think about what your life might be like without those emotions.Health Question & Answer

These are normal emotions you are experiencing. I'm not sure quitting the pills would be in your best interest. Maybe speaking to a female therapist about these feelings would help you adjust. This all seems really new to you and sounds like you have missed out on all these feelings prior to the pill. You sound like you are experiencing what normal teenage girls go through and that process usually takes a few years and is spread over time. I'm not sure why you don't want to have romantic feelings.? Those are normal too.Health Question & Answer

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