Sex help! please! ?!

Question: Sex help! please! .?
ok im 14 and next weekend im gonna have sex with my bf. (im a virgin). i have masterbated in the past but not much.(it startyed to hurt to much). ok. i heard from some other girls that i will bleed. is this true!.? if so then where should we do it.? and does it hurt.? please, i need answers.Health Question & Answer

First... really be *sure* you wanna "do it" with this guy.

You're a virgin, and your first full-on sex *should* be with someone you're really gonna want to *be* that intimate with for a while, and I don't just mean the physical intimacy because there's a lot of mental and emotional stuff that comes with the hormones and hangups that fill the sexual territory between partners. You'll be MUCH better and happier for choosing such a person, even if that "while" only turns out to be a few weeks... trust me on this point, OK.?

First-timing can be pretty disappointing for girls, not just because it's often painful (at least at first), but also because nervousness and awkwardness for both of you can make it very difficult for *you* to concentrate on your own pleasure. You don't have to worry too much about *his* pleasure: except for some possible emotional stuff, he's going to enjoy it a *lot* - even his first time. Young men are lucky that way, sure, but it's also a very rare man indeed (but not at all a rare woman) who can have several orgasms in less than half an hour. :-)

Advice.? Tips.? Good things to plan for and think about.?

Make sure you have lots of privacy for quite a long time (two hours or more is a good idea) because not only might there be some uncomfortable, embarrassing or painful moments along the way, but there's more to the first time than just "doing it", and you'll have a lot of stuff to talk about afterwards - you do *not* want any of this to be interrupted.

When it comes to intercourse, tell your guy that *you* will be the one to say "stop" if anything's wrong (like pain, or even if you just chicken out) and that it's up to him to remember that when you tell him "stop".

Don't even *try* unless you're very turned on and very slippery... a couple of orgasms first will also help your vagina to be stretchier and more insistent on having something inside - and if you don't get very wet no matter how horny you are, have some water-based lube (KY, Astroglide, Wet or similar) handy and no matter what, go SLOW until you're comfortable.

That lube will also help prevent breakage of the condom. Yes, the condom. There's a name for people who rely on "pulling out" as a method of avoiding pregnancy: "parents"... or sometimes "parents with STDs".

Any pain you may feel will go away in a few minutes to a couple of days (sometimes there's a little bruising), and after it's over with, each time will be *much* better if you stick to everything above.

Oral sex is also fine any time at all for either person, at least if both of them are comfortable with it and enjoy it. Doing it until the person receiving has an orgasm is nicest, but it isn't necessary. (Oh... and there's nothing wrong with a mouthful of hair when it tastes like a horny woman... there's no need to be shaved unless you like it that way yourself).

I'm a guy, and I'm almost 50 years old, but I would have benefited hugely from most of this advice myself the first time *I* had sex - at age 13. No regrets, it's just that I know now that it could have been a lot better and less anxious for lots of reasons.

Since then, I've raised 4 kids who've grown up to be fairly responsible and (more important) sexually healthy people. I'd *like* to think that their mothers and I were the ones who helped them to become that way.Health Question & Answer

If your mind is already made up, not much I can say will change it, but at 14 you are not emotionally ready to commit yourself to one guy. Once your virginity is lost, you can NEVER get it back again, so make sure you are giving your most precious gift to the right one. Sex should not be treated casually. The rest of your question needs no answer as you`re going to do it anyway, so whether it hurts or you bleed is not that important, it is secondary to your choice.Health Question & Answer

I won't lie it does hurt a little bit but just take it slow and sometimes it may help if you use a little lube it will ease the pain. You will bleed but not much you probably won't even notice it. something that might help is if you by the condoms that are extended pleasure they have numbing gel on the inside of them to make guys go longer. Anyways, when you open the condom take your finger and stick it on the inside of the condom and wipe some of the gel on your finger and put it on the tip of the outside of the condom it will help numb some of the pain. It will get better each time you do it.Health Question & Answer

Well, you probably will bleed, but it depends on the girl. Since you've masturbated in the past, you probably won't bleed as much as some girls who have never done anything. It probably will hurt a bit, but it will get better as you do it more.
If it makes you too uncomfortable, remember that its your body and your choice whether you want to do it or not. Don't let him tell you otherwise. If he doesn't want to respect you, its not worth it.
Maybe just put a towel down if you're worried about blood.
And use protection!Health Question & Answer

you won't necessarily bleed, but if you do, it's because the hymen breaks...
its very basic knowledge, and it you don't know such basic things, then I highly doubt that you are ready to have sex...
i hope you at least know about pregnancies, STDs, protection, the fact that he ejaculates when he orgasms, etc... if you don't, then you should seriously reconsider having sex for now.Health Question & Answer

I don't think you should be doing it at 14 wait a while until you know whats what you want and with who you want more than likely down the road you WILL regret it but if you are going to do it use a condom it will hurt your first time but not everyone bleeds just to be sure though use a Towel so it doesn't get everywhere it wont bleed a lot but it is noticeable

s. make sure you two are being don't want to be having any baby's right now.Health Question & Answer

Hmm, how old is your boyfriend. Is he pushing you to have sex .?

I would advise against your caving and having sex at this point. You have a "hymen" which is a layer of tissue around the vagina opening that will break and cause you pain (it is what caused pain before , probably). Until you have developed a comfort level with your own body, it will be painful to have sex with your boyfriend. If you are going to get hurt , does he care.? If not, he should and dump him if he pressures you further.

BTW you're too young.Health Question & Answer

You should totally wait to have sex. I know it sounds lame, but trust me, you will have major emotional damage at 14 if you give it up. To answer, yes, you will most likely bleed, and yes, it will most likely hurt - a lot, like way more than you could imagine. The first time is almost guaranteed to not be fun. I say just do oral, put off having sex. Health Question & Answer

I'm 24 and i wish that i waited to have sex for the first time.

i lost my virginity at 14, like you are about to. i'm not going to tell you not to, but please think before you do this. i feel like i made a huge mistake when i had sex for the first time, but when you're 14 and your're in love you can't realize a mistake like that until after you make it.

i can't say i regret having sex at 14, because if i didnt i wouldnt have my ten year old son, who i love to death. i usually don't like responding to these sorts of questions because i believe that someone should be able use this sort of forum for helpful answers, not a way of changing their minds or opinions, but i need to speak up here.

things may have worked out for me, but just so you know it was a tough road, and i'm very scarred in the whole relationship area. my boyfriend at 14 did NOT stay with me after sex, and after i birthed his child. he still does not contact me, or my son...even though he said he loved me and would stay with me forever.

you are still a kid...please just really think twice about your future and what you want out of life before you get lost in the moment like i did. i missed out in so many prom, graduation, going to bars when i was 21, living away at college....please just think twice.

if you are going to have sex...USE PROTECTION, and don't expect a lot out of the experience. it is definitely not pleasurable or fun the first time, and yes you will probably bleed (if your boyfriend is mature enough, he won't mind).

please, please, please, think twice. whatever your decision may be, good luck!Health Question & Answer

first of all, you have to keep in mind that this is a very important, emotional thing for you and the fact that you are asking people about it online may mean you aren't ready. I was with my first boyfriend for over 7 months before we did it, and waiting until the right time meant absolutely no regrets even after the relationship ended.

for me personally, it didn't hurt at first ever. it did however with my second partner, so it does depend on both the size of him, of you and the 'nature' of your sexual activity. just take everything slowly, use lube (if you need it - natural is always better) and dont rush into it. four-play is the key!!

also remember that it isnt all about having orgasms etc at first, you need to be supportive for one another and have respect between the two of you. also, has he had a previous partner and been checked out.? have you got contraception planned.?

follow your heart and make sure what you're planning on giving this guy is something that he DESERVES. don't do it just because everyone else is, but because you really want to and feel you are ready. also please respect yourself and body, and do it in a completely private place where you can both learn and experience from one another...

having sex and making love is a beautiful thing, especially with the right person in the right time and place so make sure you don't set yourself up to be hurt =)

goodluck babe!

xx jess

p.s. to the girl above, the first time can be pleasurable and DOES NOT LITERALLY HURT. it just depends on how the whole situation is approached!Health Question & Answer

If you have sex with your boyfriend, this is what is going to happen:

You will have sex. Hate every second of it. He will break up with you before long, if not immediately. You will regret having sex with him.

Make the right decision. The right decision is not always the easiest decision in the moment. Health Question & Answer

Please, you are young. Do not have sex. If you want to fool around, let your boyfriend finger you. Foreplay and mutual masturbation is just as satisfying. Do yourself a favor: avoid intercourse. You are going to just open yourself up to a lot of trouble.Health Question & Answer

okay well i think hey, your 14! live life and have fun! don't go have sex because you might regret losing your virginity at all or with that person. my friend's all still wish they were virgins but they can't go back. so my advice, DONT DO IT!!!

but if you do, ALWAYS USE A CONDOM!!! :)Health Question & Answer

arent u a little young..
well ITS GONNA HURT LIKE CRAP!! u bleed so much cause his penis rips ur virginia (i wont right the actual word) and youll be sore for days cause of that.dude, i feel bad for the pain and misery coming ur way.Health Question & Answer

I know you dont want to here this, but dont you think your kind of young.?.. Do you two plan on spending your lives together.
Think first.Health Question & Answer


if you have sex use a condom pleaseHealth Question & Answer

dont have sex.. just fvck yourself for nowHealth Question & Answer

NO ITS NOT TRUE................AND I DOUBT IT HURTS SINCE MY GF LIKES SEX.......Health Question & Answer

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