Period? or is there something wrong with me! girls please help?!?!

Question: Period.? or is there something wrong with me! girls please help.?!.?
usually every day during pe, when i run, i usually run normally and at the end of 4th period (school wise) i change and go out to lunch. i dont feel that my underwear are wet but sometimes i have this gooey thing that i feel coming out of there. so i go and check. and i check and there is nothing exept white gooey stuff. and then after it dries it gets like kind of yellowish/lightest brownish. and so im pretty scared. is this ok.? normal.?.?.?

and today, friday we were running in p.e and i felt like something was like stabbing me like down there. not really stabbing but it was a sharp pain kind of in my thing. and so im not sure wat that was!!! what should i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM a LIITTLE SCARED!

and also. does this mean im going to get my period soon.? ive had thus white gooey clear sticky stuff coming out i think ever since may or april 2008. im 13. and i dont really have boobs. i only have like little stubbs. and so im just wondering:

what is this sticly gooey thick stuff coming out of my vagina. is this normal.?.?.?

can someone please help me.?! answer my concerns!!!!!!!! please...Health Question & Answer

Discharge is normal and is a sign that you are, indeed, going through puberty. The pain might be cramps, which could be another sign that your period will probably start soon.

Is there someone that you can talk to about this stuff.? Your mother, an older sister or friend, your doctor or maybe the nurse at school.? I know all these changes are scary and new and different, but they really are normal and what's supposed to happen. If it's scaring you this much, it would probably be really good if you had someone you could trust to sit down with you and talk about what's normal, what might *not* be normal, and about the good things about becoming more mature that go along with the things that can be kind of a pain, like getting your period. It might be an embarrassing conversation at first, but I think you'd feel a whole lot better.

If you don't have anyone you feel comfortable talking to, definitely keep asking questions in places like this! You also might want to see if you can find a book or two that would explain things, or some good websites. If you are embarrassed to buy a book or check it out from the library you can always read it in a part of the library where no one can see you and leave it there. :)Health Question & Answer

your fine thers nothing to be worried about, the whitish stuff and clear stuff is just discharge.. i just got my period pretty recently too and i had the same thing.. i started gettting the discharge(the white and clear stuff) a couple months before i got my period.. i did actually have them pains a few times but i never really knew what they were i thought i was the only one who got them ahah so i never really asked...Health Question & Answer

you'll probably get your period in about a year then.
the discharge is normal, as long as it isn't green or really yellow and smells bad like fish Health Question & Answer

The goo is Called Discharge. It is the Vagina cleaning itself. You will be geting your period in about 2 years. Health Question & Answer

Two things will make you wet "down there".

1) Your genitals keep themselves clean and healthy by sort of "rinsing" themselves with the fluids that they make... sometimes there's quite a bit of fluid and it can leak out a *lot*, so wearing panty liners or even light pads can be a good thing to help keep your clothes clean.

2) When your body is aroused sexually ("turned on" or "horny", even if you're not doing or thinking anything sexual) your genitals will get wetter and slipperier... sometimes very, *very* wet... so that a penis can slide in there comfortably if you have sex like it's telling you it wants (you don't have to, of course).

I'm a cook, so the only things I can really compare the healthy smell of a vagina/vulva to are foods and such... and the nearest I can think of is a fairly mild combination of fresh oysters and grated truffles - usually more on the sea-like side, but not "fishy" and certainly not unpleasant. It often smells stronger when you're sexually aroused (or when you're sweaty after exercise or have spent most of a day in tight pants or clinging underwear), but not always.

If the stuff is clear or slightly milky (might be tinted faintly yellow or brown), slippery to maybe a little sticky, and smells "earthy, animal and a little like the ocean", it's almost certainly healthy and good. If it smells truly fishy or otherwise bad, it's probably an infection and you should see a doc.Health Question & Answer

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