Itching down there - What is it?!

Question: Itching down there - What is it.?
So for a day or two I've had this itch 'down there'. It's just an itch, but it gets really's worse mornings and evenings. I don't have any discharge or any other symptoms, just this really annoying itching. If anyone can link me to another question that provides an answer, or give me an answer here, that would be great - I'm only thirteen, and not sexually active, so it's not an STD.Health Question & Answer

Ai-chan, There are some possibilities for the cause of your itch "down there." Sometimes it is a skin reaction to a garment you wear, or to the soap you used to wash the garment, or the soap you use to wash your skin there, or any deodorant. There is one possible infection that is NOT an STD. It is called moniliasis and is due to a common yeast organism on almost everyone's skin. The yeast is called Monilia or Candida albicans. Many people who are not sexually active get this infection which is easily diagnosed and easily cured. You might visit your doctor and ask her. Don't be bashful and do not hesitate if your itching continues.Health Question & Answer

Itching is usually yeast imbalance. You don't have to be sexually active for that. You can get that from wearing a wet bathing suit too long or panties that don't have a "breathable crotch", or taking antibiotics for some unrelated medical problem (sore throat, skin problems etc.) Get some monistat vulvar cream or the generic - miconazole nitrate at Walmart.Health Question & Answer

Okay. well you could have a yeast infection. It is common at all ages for girls. You may need to see your family doctor and let him know. If you wear underwear with nylon in it, that could be a reason. also if your jeans are too tight. You could be allergic to your soap, or detergent so if your mom has made any changes recently let her know. There are over the counter creams to help with out itching. If it is internal, you have to make an appoinment to get looked at. Don't worry about your mom freaking. The doctor will be able to do an exam and assure her you are still a virgin. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Crabs- you must have a dirty co-worker, or family member- gross! Honestly dear, ya have tiny spiders crawling all over you down there- shampoo won't help ----you need to get a big hat and a pair of sunglasses and make your way to Walgreen's- I would scope out one that has a real old cashier who is less likely to judge you- Buy the big box of "RID" not for head lice, but rather the one for ******** mites- Run home- lather and rinse TWICE- and then take a clipper and completely shave all of your body hair- Seriously, if you don't shave it all off they will never really go away- also, wash all your bedding- get those bombs for lice and bomb your house- You need to do this ASAP - How can you walk around and hold your head up knowing you are host to an ungodly parasite - Ugh- SHAMEHealth Question & Answer

Some times when pubic hair gets a certain length, it has the tendancy to curl around and stick you which ultimately makes you itch. Shave it, but not bald just so the hair isn't that long.

If it still itches then use some goldbond powder.Health Question & Answer

hey man sometimes it just itches. it will have it's on days and off days. unless you start to get hives or somthin down there then you should be fine its just normal itcheness that get better after you scratch itHealth Question & Answer

Could be a yeast infection. Better talk to mom and see a doctor for a diagnosis. Keep yourself clean but don't use any scented products. Health Question & Answer

you could be allergic to something such as the soap you use or the laundry soap that you washed your clothes in. Did you change soaps recently.?Health Question & Answer

do you shave.?
sometimes if you shave down there it could itch..Health Question & Answer

It could just be a rash. Try vagisilHealth Question & Answer

Crabs.?Health Question & Answer

in your age you could have yeast infection - read belowHealth Question & Answer

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