I Was wondering if i can get pregnant even though i irrupted?!

Question: I Was wondering if i can get pregnant even though i irrupted.?
When I was pregnant with my first child which is almost 4 years old anyways when I went in labor with him I was 1 month early anyways what had happen was I touched my belly and then I look my whole bed was covered in blood they had about 12 doctor's running in there to take me for a emergency c section well they told me if I wasn't at the hospital me and my wonderful son could have died I am so lucky and thankfully I was at the hospital well my question was is could I still get pregnant even though that happen cause I am having some Dalt in my mind cause me and my fianc
you should i did the some what the same thing but i just started bleeding 4 no reson and about a 1 year later i had babyHealth Question & Answer

you can defiantly try to have another baby. i dont think this would happen again. just see your doctor more towards the end like around the time u had your last baby when this happened.Health Question & Answer

ask your doctor, or call the local hospital to ask this question.Health Question & Answer

You had an ABRUPTION. This is when the placenta peels off the uterine wall. Yes the baby and/or you could have died during this. Abrutpions are usually the result of injury to the uterus, sometimes drugs like cocaine or crack, high blood pressure during pregnancy or some other illness can cause it. Just because it happened once doesn't mean it will happen again. You suffered a hemorrhage either during or after the birth probably for the same reason that you had an abruption to begin with.
You should have followed up with your doctor after the birth. The doctor would have told you if you were at risk and if there was any problem that would prevent you from getting pregnant again. But like most women who think having a baby with some guy is proof that you love them and who try for two years to get pregnant out of wedlock after having had one child illegitimately, with obviously no education, you should really think more than once about whether you want to be another 'baby's momma' with nothing but sh** for brains. Duh.?Health Question & Answer

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