Why does the hpv shot hurt so much?!

Question: Why does the hpv shot hurt so much.?
I had this shot 2 months ago and it hurt so bad. I got three shots that day hpv, hepatitis a and hepatitis b and the others barely hurt but gardasil killed. I have to get all three of them again on monday and meningitis and tetanus. I am really scared about the hpv one. Im 14 and I cried when I got it. Why does it hurt so much.? Can I make it hurt less.? I had it on my left arm is that the least painful place.? Health Question & Answer

I hate shots! Im sooo thin and bony that shots really hurt me and when i go to get one i take advil before i go it hurts while im getting it done but there is no after pain of soreness and i haven't gotten the HPV one yet but i heard from people that it really stings and burns pretty badHealth Question & Answer

really.? i have had my hepatitis A and B shots, as well as gardasil and a tetanus booster, and i found that none of them hurt. however, i suppose my pain threshold may be higher, some people just have more sensitive skin tissue.

if you're still a little uneasy, think of it this way. say you're getting your hepatitis shots. would you rather take one twinrix vaccination and be over with forever, or chance it and possibly be hooked up to intravenous needles and all sorts of other things for a long time in the hospital when you get sick.?

just take a deep breath, try to let your arm muscle relax, and count to five in your head, or out loud. it will be over by the time you get to 3!Health Question & Answer

It's probably more painful since you're getting so many jags around the one time.

Others find jags more painful than others, so I'm afraid that if you find them sore - you'll just need to bite your lip & endureHealth Question & Answer

lol i got my hpv shot and it didnt hurt at all i just sat there and it didnt bother me lol
how ironic i just got a shot last nightHealth Question & Answer

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