I just started my period?!?!?!!!?! HELP ME!?!

Question: I just started my period.?!.?!.?!!!.?! HELP ME!.?
okay, i don't like pads i feel like im wearing a diaper.
i wanna know how to put tampon's in.
i read the box and asked my mom, i didn't understand. so if you could give me a step by step or something, that would be greatly appreciated!

p.s.) im 14.Health Question & Answer

i had exactly the same problem as you, and let me begin by saying practice makes perfect! follow these steps to help you.

1) get a really small tampon with aplicator when you start. i find tampax compact is great, and you can get coloured ones and slightly scented ones too :]

2) put in the tampon on the heaviest day- usually day 2 on a 5 day period so it can easily slip in and out.

3) pull the applicator at the bottom of the tampon where the string is outwards until you hear a click. now it should have two parts, the aplicator sticking out, and the other half with the tampon inside.

4) i find that standing with one foot on the toilet seat and one on the floor works best with me, but you could also try crouching down with your legs apart... maybe in front of a mirror if you want to see.

5) take a few deep breaths and relax. take your time, and make sure you are calm, dont worry its fine its just a tampon!

6) slowly push the tampon into your vagina, pointing it towards the bottom of your back rather than straight up.

7) push it so that the tampon is inside you, but the other half of the applicator is still outside

8) slowly push the applicator keeping your thumb and forefinger on the bottom of the tampon. this will them push the tampon out of the top half of the aplicator and inside of you.

9) next pull the rest of the applicator out slowly, and the tampon will be inside of you with the string hanging out.

wait 4-8 hours before you take it out, as it needs to be saturated with period before it can slip out. when you do take it out, repeat steps 4 and 5. gently pull the string and slowly pull it out.

good luck :]
Health Question & Answer

Relax! This will help you insert it correctly, otherwise it will not fit properly.
The easiest position to insert a tampon is sitting on the toilet with your legs spread apart.
Point the tampon backwards, angling it toward the small of your back.
Insert and push the tampon into the vaginal opening, leaving the string to hang out the vaginal opening.
Remove the tampon by pulling gently on the string.
Change your tampon every four to six hours in order to prevent an infection caused by leaving the tampon in to long, called Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).
Tampons should not be painful. If it is, remove it and try again. If they are continually painful, see your doctor.
Health Question & Answer

it just takes a lot of practice and just discovering how your body is curved and everything but first i would use a teen tampon [they are smaller than the normal ones] then just relax and try to slide it in at a angle [towards your butt] and if it does go in easily, put some vaseline on the very tip. good luck and remember only wear a tampon for no more than 6 hours any more and you could get really sick.[ tss]Health Question & Answer

Congrats on becoming a woman!

Using tampons takes practice. I had to try many times before getting it right. Remember, if you can feel it or it hurts, it isn't in properly. I think the easiest way to put one in is while sitting on the toilet. You just put the applicator inside gently and push on the end so the tampon comes out. It should be fully inside you with just the string outside. Health Question & Answer

first time wearing pads might feel like your wearing a diaper i know for me it did but then after awhile i got use to themm..i never used tampons because i was scared of them lol
you can get smaller pads so they dont feel like you have a diaper onHealth Question & Answer

There is this realy great book called the care and the keeping of you its american girl book... i highly recommend it for girls ages 8-15
it tells you everything and step by step instructions on how to insert a tamponHealth Question & Answer

tampons are way better than pads, but like anything it takes practice. I would suggest using your finger in the shower to find out exactly where and what angle it needs to go in at. point it more towards your back.Health Question & Answer

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