Ovulation pains like cramps?!

Question: Ovulation pains like cramps.?
My period ended on Sept. 25 & after lunch today, I had the worst tummyache & it felt just like cramps except I know my period isn't due for at least another 3 weeks or so...my friend asked me if I was ovulating.? Could it be ovulation pains instead.? Do they feel like cramps.? I'm not sexually active so I know I'm not pregnant...Health Question & Answer

Yes, that could be exactly what it is and most likely, considering time frame and often women's ovulating can result in more pain than even menstrual cramps. (I've experienced it myself and even had a friend in college go to the ER because they were so severe. That's all it was.)

also, side note: it appears you've been asking an extraordinary amount of questions pertaining to these matters (women's health / your own and body lately). That said, my honest advice at this point: contact your medical professional or your local Planned Parenthood and get in to be seen. also since in the recent weeks you said you've been experienced an irregular period, soreness and symptoms and now this (compared to your normal).

Many of us on here are not doctors - just women - but if it were me, I'd at least make a phone call to a professional and ask them some of these things. When was the last time you were in to your ob/gyn for an exam.? It doesn't matter if you're healthy or not sexually active. It's just being proactive and routine (like the dentist) - even for things related to other body parts (breast cancer screening, etc.). I'd just rather you were safe than sorry. Especially since you've expressed interest in having children one day. Don't take that forgranted assuming this is all it is. It probably is just ovulating but if I'd rather you safe and knowledgeable than sorry! :)Health Question & Answer

yes it could just be that you are ovulating and its causing you some pain.Health Question & Answer

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