Embarrassing problem?!

Question: Embarrassing problem.?
I have very bad vagina odor, and it smells really bad when I pee too, even after I shower, and yes, I shower every day, and always wear clean undies. I have normal discharge and no itching... it does sting when I pee, and I always have the feeling I still have to pee, even after I just went.
I've went to the doctor's numerous times, they always say the tests came back normal.. I don't understand, I know this is not normal... I've been checked for everything... i'm std free, I have been checked for UTI's, bladder infection, ect... I just don't know what else to do...
This has been going on for many, many years...
Health Question & Answer

Go to a urologist and get checked.Health Question & Answer

This could be totally unrelated but could it be something in your diet.? There are certain foods which can greatly effect the smell of your wee...which in turn might also make your vagina smelly as well.?.?
Worth a try.

Abnormal Urine Smell (Odor)
Foul smelling urine may be caused by bacteria, a common sign of a urinary tract or bladder infection.
Sweet smelling urine is a sign of diabetes or a rare disease of metabolism.
Musty smelling urine may be a sign of liver disease and certain metabolic disorders.
Ammonia smell is a concentrated urine due to dehydration.
Burned caramel smell is a sign of a very rare life-threatening inherited maple syrup urine disease.
Certain foods and medicines, including vitamins, may affect your urine

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