How can you cure really bad cramps from pms?!

Question: How can you cure really bad cramps from pms.?
2 advil liquid gels, a can of coke (caffine helps), a warm or heavy(ish) compress on your stomach (think a catalogue or a few books) and actually being curled up.
also, bananas and chocolate are pretty good too. And a hot shower aimed on your stomach, or a pretty warm bath.

also, if you can, I suggest getting on birth control. I never wanted to go on it, but was forced to just to keep me healthy, and now I can actually walk and move around during my period, and I don't vomit anymore! Plus its only 4 days instead of 8!
Sorry if thats TMI =)Health Question & Answer

I used to have what my doctor called a "period from hell." I would vomit, get the runs, and have a high fever every blessed month! She put me on birth control pills to try to regulate it, but it didn't help the cramps. To get rid of cramps, I use black licorice and cranberry juice. Black licorice is a natural remedy to help regulate female hormones and reduce cramping. Black licorice and cranberry juice are both blood thinners and help with cramping after your period actually starts.

Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

I've been taking Ponstan, which stops your uterus from contracting which is the reason why you have cramps.

Some other ways: Drink ginger tea, drink plenty of water throughout the day, stay away from salty foods, alcohol, don't eat too much junk food, eat yoghurt and bananas. Keep up the fiber because constipation really makes you feel more pain when you have pms and your period.

Here's an article that I tend to re-read every time I'm near my period:

"Some herbs can decrease PG2 levels and the resulting cramping without the side effects that sometimes result from the use of painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Among the most beneficial herbs areevening primrose, meadowsweet, feverfew, hops, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, thyme, garlic and flaxseed. Many of these can be used to flavor foods. Cereals containing flaxseed can be found in most grocery stores

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