What will ease the pain of mirena insertion?!

Question: What will ease the pain of mirena insertion.?
I have no kids and i am considering mirena.I have heard that it hurts if you dont have any children.Health Question & Answer

I never had any pregnancies, & have had the Mirena for 2 months now.

It really feels like severe cramping. There are 2 devices that go through your cervix. The first one you'll feel the "severe cramping" in the usual period-cramps spot. But when the IUD is inserted, the cramping definately doubles. (just for the first 5-10 secs). Then they take out each device, one at a time- each one relieving some of the pressure.

HUGE advice...Take an IB Profin before you go! I took one right when I got to the clinic, & I was groaning all the way driving home until it kicked in.

also, I remember when I was there for the insertion, they offered me a shot to numb the area. When I asked further about the shot, they said it would decrease alot of the "discomfort". Otherwise, I would feel severe cramping.
Since I hate needles, I didn't take the shot. But ask them about that option when the insertion is about to take place. I was at planned parenthood.

But should be the same anywhere.
Btw, Midol works too. Cuz there will be waves of cramping the first day or so.
And Michelle's right, they do prefer to have insertions during a period, because a woman's cervix is much softer during menstruation. Not mandatory tho.Health Question & Answer

I just got my mirena in three days ago, and I have had 1 child and it was uncomfortable but nothing you can't bare with. They dilate your cervix which you feel kind of like a pinching pain for a few seconds, then it just feels like pressure. You are suppose to have your period when getting this done, but I didn't have mines at the time due to the pill messing it up. After the insertion you may feel kind of crampy for a few days but overall it is worth it in the endHealth Question & Answer

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