Menstrual Irregularities- Help?!

Question: Menstrual Irregularities- Help.?
I can *not* have a typical period. I either have a period lasting for three days, or no period at all. My periods are extremely irregular, and I'm worried I may have an underlying problem.

I'm sexually active, have no STDs, I am not on any type of birth control. I use Encare spermicidal inserts as a pregnancy preventative. I am also not pregnant (tested negative 5 days ago). I am also not on any medication (other than the occasional ibuprofen.)

I've been bleeding irregularly for about a week with what appears to be menstrual blood. But when I insert a tampon, and change it about four hours later, there is absolutely nothing on it.

I get very frequent headaches, I'm tired very often, I have stomach cramps, I get dizzy from time to time, and I do experience vaginal dryness from time to time (for two-three days). Sleep issues (insomnia, or being exhausted).

I have no health insurance, and can't really afford to have any tests done to see what this is, or to see a doctor. So any ideas to what this may be would really help.

Can any of this lead to infertility (my biggest fear).?Health Question & Answer

Look up PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). I have that and have had it since I was 17. It can lead to infertility. I took fertility meds for 6 months with my ex-husband and never got pregnant. However, I have found a specialist here in Florida who has studied PCOS for over 30 years. He says that getting pregnant will be difficult, but, not impossible. I have to get my symptoms under control first.

I haven't had a period since February or March of 2008. Sometimes mine will last for 2 days, sometimes for a month at a time.

It messes up your insulin, thyroid, cortisol, iodine, cholesterol, etc. My PCOS caused me to have a severe iodine defiency. I have meds to take for it, but, haven't been taking them. About 2 months ago, I ended up in the ER because everything was spinning and I couldn't open my eyes without throwing up. That was from my iodine level dropping so low. I'm insulin resistent, which means that my body isn't able to turn the insulin into energy so it thinks that it needs to make more, more, more insulin. If left untreated, it turns into diabetes.

There's more, but, I could go on and on and on.....

All this because of my ovaries! Who woulda thunk it.?.?.? right.?
Health Question & Answer

Irregular periods are not necessarily cause for concern; but coupled with the other symptoms you listed including the spotting...I really think you need to see a doctor. If you can't afford a trip to your regular physician; why not go to planned parenthood.? If you don't have insurance; they charge you on a pay-scale determined by your income.

Good luck...and hope you're feeling better soon :)Health Question & Answer

Honestly PP, this does sound like a *real* problem.

The fact you're having headaches, cramps, dizzyness, ect..Doesn't sound very good.

I honestly have *no* idea, but I will star for you.

I hope you feel better soon :(

I've been having some girl problems here lately too..I feel you :/Health Question & Answer

The answer is suppose to be vary by person.From my personal view,always it is a good idea to hear the voices from different sides and try to decide the best one.Here is a good one that i recommend.
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