PLEASE help me....I feeel so lost girls only ?!

Question: PLEASE help me....I feeel so lost girls only .?
I feel so out of place. Im fourteen years old and Im a girl but I feel so out of place I just strated high school and I barley have any friends the girls that I sit with are okay but they are kinda mean. I dont know where I fit in this world. Not as far as apperances beause I know Im a good looking person and Im not concerend about my weightsI feel like maybe I should wear makeup because I like to but at the same time am I too young. I feel like other girls my age have boyfrinds wear alot of makeup have alot of girlfriends and I just dont fit in any of thoose catogories. Where do I stand in this world I feeel so inbetween I feel like Im mature for my age but really where do I stand I feel so lost. Should I be out wearing makeup and having boyfirneds and going to dances or am I too young. Where do I stand in this world.? Health Question & Answer

OK, to start this off hon I'll tell you you're beautiful and fab in your own little way. If you ask your parents or anybody close to you what the best things about you are, I bet they could reel off a list as long as their arm. Second, there is nothing wrong with just being yourself if that's who you want to be. You don't have to fit in with a particular "group" and don't be stereotyped just because you feel the need to fit in. If YOU want to go to dances and start wearing make up because that's what makes you happy, then do it. If you don't want to wear make up and be exactly like the girls you sit with, then don't. Do whatever makes YOU happy and nobody else. also, if the girls you hang around with are kinda mean I would try talking to them about; explain how you feel and how they make you feel. Otherwise, try making new friends; join new groups like dancing, drama, art or music, whatever you're into, and soon enough you'll have a whole new group of friends that are into the same stuff as you. I hope I helped! xxHealth Question & Answer

your fourteen i think you are old enough to wear makeup, and as for having a boyfriend dont just date any guy. find someone you like. i think thats a good age to start dating. just dont have sex. wait until your a bit older for that. its normal to feel like you dont fit in. your at an awkward age and i was the same way at that age. i just kinda went on and lived my life. it wasnt until college that i really feel like i fit in. Health Question & Answer

How about volunteering to help people. Go to the library and read to little kids. Or an old age home and talk to a resident there who is very lonely for any company. Try helping out at a food kitchen. Organize a cleanup of a local park. There are so many ways you can help people and it will break you your feeling of being lost and alone. You could be some body's Godsend!!Health Question & Answer

you can do whatever you feel is right. school dances.? everyone should go to those. they are fun! and hey... maybe you'll meet more people. also are you saying that you don't have any friends.? well are you new to the school.? because if you are then don't worry because you WILL make friends. and if you don't like people that you sit with then stop hanging out with them and find other people. good luck! hope i helped :)Health Question & Answer

I know how you feel. Just start talking a little to some people in your classes that you like. Just gradually work on it, you don't want to freak them out, just join a conversation. You don't have to wear make-up if you don't want to, though it isn't too early. I started wearing it when I was in eighth grade. Just don't pile it on like some girls do, you'll end up not looking that good at all. Hope this helpsHealth Question & Answer

I think most of us felt that way at your age. Here's what we learn in our 20's...You are YOU. You don't have to fit in with anyone else. Being YOU is perfect.

If you want to wear makeup sometimes, that's fine. If you feel too young, apply it sparingly or just on special occasions. I'd suggest having boys who are your friends even if you don't have a bf because it's fun to have someone to go to a dance or the movies with even if you're not romantically involved.Health Question & Answer

Im 16, but I know what your going through. Just be yourself. I promise, you will make a friend.
I felt the same way when I was in 8th grade. I had a horrible "first day" of school.
Then, the very next day, I met my best friend, Bridgette. We have been friends for years, and its the best friendship I could ever want.
I promise, you will meet your Bridgette soon =]Health Question & Answer

it is up 2 u but about make up i woould say some mascara and eyeliner maybe and about going to dances that is fine theres nothin wrong with that amd if u want a bf get 1 lol i go to dances wear make up and everythhin but i wouldnt call me a slag
i am 12Health Question & Answer

I was exactly like you when I was 14, but I did eventually find a close group of friends where you can just be yourself. That's the most important thing. You don't have to try to fit in, you WILL fit in when you find the right people. So, just take your time.Health Question & Answer

Every day I too ask that same question. I know how you feel and I know its a tough thing to handle.What I do is ignore all the negative input from people and tackle everyday one step at a time.Health Question & Answer

You're fine. You're fourteen and when you get just a bit older you will realize how young you really are. It's not unusual to feel out of place, especially just coming into high school. Many feel that way. Most adults will go on about how high school can be the best time of your life but for most that simply isn't true. Just try and find some friends that you truly connect with and don't be afraid to lean on them if you feel insecure or something. You may want to get away from those girls if they are mean and disrespectful to you. You never want to hang out with someone that tries to beat you down and I really wouldn't want you to get into their "group" and be forced to conform to their way of acting.

Good luck! You aren't alone. Many feel this way.Health Question & Answer

This may not be what you want to hear, but you're just different from them. You should be happy with who you are and embrace what you want. Fitting in is overrated. Don't get a boyfriend just because the other girls have them. Date someone because you like him. Don't wear make up just because other girls are--wear it if you choose to for your own reasons. High school is an awkward phase and it sounds like you need to be looking for different friends.

Don't worry, you'll be fine. I went through something similar in high school and I've still never had a boyfriend because I just haven't found anyone I like that much. However, I found friends with the same opinions as myself and enjoyed highschool. Now I'm in my second year of college. Trust me, it gets better.Health Question & Answer

awwh! its okay i feel the same way D: im your age, and i talk to people, but they all seem like stuck up br***!@$ rawrs! they get on my nerves with their haughtish ways cos they always think noone stands their ground just cause they have boyfriends, wear makeup, have rich father's and whutnot.
everywhere you go you'll see people like these.
i dont wear makeup, and i dont have a boyfriend.
so im considered the weird quiet girl as is any other girl in my position.
i couldn't give less of a damn what people do.
its just me, and my ideal world.
i come home from school, throw my backpack to the floor and forget everything about everything.
i turn up the music, and rock on in my own little world.
then i look back at how this one girl was acting up just because her boyfriend didnt kiss her that day and laugh. cos its all a bunch of bullcrap.
of course i have my crush but i dont obsess about how he didnt look at me that day!
srsly. dont care about what other girls are like, cos i call it stupidity, the way they wear tons of makeup, hang out with dudes as attractive as the soles of my shoes, and obsess about what dress their gunna wear for homecoming. i just do my own way. and laugh at them. cos its all the same for them. the way they talk, dress, w/e. its all the same. and my uniqueness and the stuff i like about me are different from thier similarities and that makes me proud. so dont worry about it, and develop your being, learning from their stupidity okay.?Health Question & Answer

you just need to be open to making new friends if you don't like your current ones, in classes if you have partner activities, be nice and talk to them and maybe it'll grow into a friendship. and youre old enough to wear makeup, but taht doesnt mean you should, if youre confident with how you look without it, then you dont need it. but try some things out and see if you like how you look better. like i only wear a tiny bit of brown eyeliner and mascara just to make my eyes pop, just amke sure you dnt wear anything to heavy. and the more you worry about where you stand in this world, the ahrderit'll be for oyu to be happy with where you are. you just need to let things fall where they fall and that'll be where you're supposed to beHealth Question & Answer

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