Girls Only!! (period help)?!

Question: Girls Only!! (period help).?
i got my period for the 3rd time yesterday, and its really really heavy. (im 13) when i sit down it doesn't come out as much. but when im walking around it comes out every minute. i was in the shower and it came out every couple of seconds. when i slept last night i woke up with it all on my sheets. all im really asking is
how long will it last.?
is it normal.?
and any advice to help me feel comfortable.Health Question & Answer

ok first of all for just the 3rd time that seems like a lot!..the first day can be like nothing...almost like old blood..2nd and 3rd day can be the worst but still to be soaking through sheets so young so should talk to your mother and see either your regular doctor or a specialist...that is called a gynocologist....i never got used to tampons but during the summer i would wear them especially if i wanted to go i always use pads...and no one ever told me that your period can change for the worse after a baby!..i used to have the best period (if there is such a thing!!)..3 1/2 days and like "oh that was it.?!"...after my baby the doctor tried special medication for people this happens to and it didnt now it is 6 days long and three days of waking up in the morning and keeping my legs crossed to make it into the bathroom,,,,and i actually just jump into the shower...easier cleaning!! may be gross but true and i have spoken to other girls on here and they say their periods are that bad while you may be young you are not different than others but i just think that being so young you should have it checked out...i think you may be too young for the birth control pill..but it is used for other things than the is for bad acne and bad heavy periods....its great because it regulates you you will know that you will get it say every 30 days when you wake see a you have to be better prepared...what do you think is a lot.?!...see when we sit it doesnt come out really so when we stand it will come out..sometimes it feels like s trickle and other times like a gush....make sure you have th eright strenght pad or tampon..change every 4-5 night i know a couple of girls that wear two...i dont know it its side by side or way front to back..get Kotex Overnight pads they are the best...they are long and great absoprtion....i also wear tighter shorts to bed...spandex tighter so if i am wrestless everything stays in place!! lol...but still i have to get up at least 2 of those days to go to the bathroom like i said...when you take a shower of course water running in dilutes it and makes it look more but it is true when your in the shower...gravity works and like urinating it comes out that all sounds normal...and walking around its usually not every minute but it could just be what your body is doing now....this could all fall into place because you are so new at getting it...but you know what sometimes woman bleed so much they do get a little anemic and then may need vitamins for those days....but remember none of us are doctors...ask your mom what hers are may be in the family but then again it doesnt have to be....all i can day is it sounds pretty normal ..just keep those extra pads or tampons with you...and dont panic at school...on those days bring a dark sweatshirt...if God forbid you have an accident yo ucan wear that around you ..and remember a girls secret...we've all had to use some extra toilet paper as a pad to "shove in there' to help...sorry for what may be gross but true..i hope this helps...welcome to womenhood!...we are a very strong breed because we go through so much!!Health Question & Answer

Its totally normal. When you are still the flow is less than when you are up and moving around. Leaking onto your bedsheets is also really common and nothing to worry about. You may want to get mum to buy you the overnight pads as they are especially designed to be used at night and are shaped a bit different and are more absorbent too.
The heavy part of a period often lasts for around 3 days so hang in there it will be lighter soon. Periods often last around 5-7 days with the last day or two pretty light so some girls even switch to panty liners for those days.Health Question & Answer

Periods usually last about 7 days. It's hard when you first start your period because the flow is usually heavy. The first 3-4 days of your period will be the heaviest flow.

YOu're probably using pads (I did to start) and of course when you stand up it's going to gush out. It's been held in with you sitting.

Go to the bathroom often as you can and change to avoid any leakage. Try using heavy absorbancy pads. You may have to use a towel or something to sleep on until your flow lightens in a few days.

It's never easy getting started, but eventually you'll get the hang of it.Health Question & Answer

dont worry this is normal especially because you just started.

everyone is different when it comes to how long it will last. i have the evil curse of having it all 7 days but some people have it for only 3-5 days.

what you can do is get a thicker pad for when you sleep and or what some people do is wear a tampon and a pad for extra protection
dont worry it gets better as it goes along you just have to get use to it

just remember if it is really heavy you might want to change every 1hr Health Question & Answer

I got my period for the first time when I was twelve or eleven, and now I'm 14.
What's happening is you're not normal or "regular" yet. It could be a few more months, or even a year, before you are. It's totally normal.
It should last about 5 - 7 days, but it all really depends. Some people have periods as short as three days, and others as long as ten days.

My advice to you; Make sure that your pads or tampons are "heavy" not "light".
& If you really wanted to, you could wear a tampon in the shower so you don't have to worry about it leaking when your trying to bathe.. Haha
& Maybe use tampons more often then pads, but be careful and change them every 4 to 8 hours.

What I do at school is wear both a tampon and a pad so if my tampon decides to leak on me, there's a pad to back it up.

Good luck!! :DHealth Question & Answer

mine's like that. when you walk, more blood is flowing throughout your body and that's why there's more when you walk. and when im in the shower, mine drips a lot like that too. at night, i put an old towel on my bed so i don't stain my sheets, and i wear old underwear and sweatpants that i don't mind getting stained up (but you can wash them and blood usually comes out pretty well). mine last anywhere from 7 to 16 days...which isn't normal at all and i need to see a doctor (lol) so if yours are as long as mine, see a doctor. good luck!Health Question & Answer

don't worry it is normal
it happens to me and i hate it
but its part of life

it different for all girls on how long it lasts but
i recommend on changing the pad regularly so it doesn't go through your clothes cause that has happened to me too and its not fun

i really really hope i helped :]]
cause i know how miserable it is to have it Health Question & Answer

If it's for the 3rd time then it still might not have a regular pattern. periods usually last 5 days but anything between 2-7 days is normal. for now use any kind of protection you can find! the heavy flow may require a high absorbency pad or if you want you con try a tampon. You'll be fine there's nothing wrong with you at all.Health Question & Answer

since, you are still new to having periods, you're body hasn't found a particular flow, or cycle, so it could just be temporary, but if it keeps happening, then maybe you just have a heavy cycle, the make pads and tampons for heavy cycle flow, but you would still need to change pads/tampons more oftenHealth Question & Answer

it is normal

it should last 7 days at the very LONGEST

and there is no reason for you to feel uncomfortable....

every girl has a period, no matter how heavy it is, it sucks for everyone

Health Question & Answer

im sure it is. periods vary of light to heavy. mine is pretty light wo i can't really compare. just buy some extra absorbent pads or something. it will last las long as a regular period so your probably almost doneHealth Question & Answer

its normal usaually for me when its really heavy it just last mayb 3-4 days...other days up to a week....pads dont really work for me so i use tampons because i feel not worried as much as getting any on my should maybe talk to your mom about using tampons....Health Question & Answer

Its normal to start with a heavy flow. I cant tell you how long It will last, everyone Is different. I started when I was 11 and I had a really heavy flow. As you get older, your period will lighten upHealth Question & Answer

the 3rd day is usually the heaviest, it will be over soon. stick in there!Health Question & Answer

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