I have really tough period what should i do?!

Question: I have really tough period what should i do.?
i tried to ask for birth control but they said because of my age, it might not be good because of the amount of hormones it releases. i have really bad cramps, an extremely heavy flow, and recently my acne started getting worse during that time of the month... any suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

I don't know how old you are but if you're 14 or older you can go to a clinic and get birth control without a parent. Just saying.Health Question & Answer

You need to see a doctor. I used to have the same problem, as a teenager. It got better with time. Birth control pill may be an option (it helped me quite a lot), and there are some pills with a lower amount of hormones that doctors usually give to teenagers. Birth control pill is not dangerous, and anyway, in order to take it, you need a follow up with a doctor, so you'd be sure everything is fine.
The doctor may also give you a use when needed pain killer (specifically for cramps) (I take some occasionaly, when the pain is too much to bear). Don't worry too much about it, but do go see a doctor. Your problems are not unusual, and it will get better as you grow older. But you do not have to endure the pain.
There are a number of conditions that can be responsible for the pain you feel, endometriosis, tumors, ovarian cysts, ... But it could also simply be that you feel a lot of pain during your period (like many women).Health Question & Answer

The amount of menstrual flow varies from woman to woman. Some experience a light flow while others have heavy periods. Some women experience heavier bleeding during the early stages of their periods. "Heavy" is a subjective term when it comes to menstrual flow. What seems heavy to some women may not be the case for others. Most women's flow is around 6 to 8 ounces over the course of a few days. You say that heavy bleeding occurs during the beginning of your cycle. Does the flow become lighter as your period progresses.?

Menorrhagia is the medical term used for excessively heavy periods. Some signs of menorrhagia include:

menstrual flow that soaks through at least one sanitary pad or tampon per hour
having to change pads or tampons overnight
a period that lasts longer than seven days
menstrual flow that includes blood clots
menstrual flow that interferes with your routine
Usually menorrhagia is a symptom of a hormonal imbalance or uterine fibroids. Less frequently, pelvic inflammatory disease or reproductive cancers may be the cause. Taking certain anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin, can also result in heavier than normal menstrual flow.

A visit to your gynecologist or another women's health care provider can help shed some light on your questions. The provider can help you understand what is causing your heavy menstrual flow, talk with you about your concerns, and determine what might make it easier for you to manage it. Discussing the issue will also help you become more knowledgeable about and more comfortable with your body.

Health Question & Answer

In her 20s, Theresa Lauigan experienced heavy bleeding and painful cramping during her menstrual cycle. Her doctor told her she had fibroids, noncancerous growths in her uterus, and termed it a "wait and see" situation. A few years later, when the menstrual pain became unbearable, Theresa pressed her doctor to further investigate the matter.

Turns out, she has endometriosis -- a gynecological condition in which the lining of the uterus, which is usually shed monthly, is present outside of the uterus. The condition is associated with chronic pelvic pain and can be associated with infertility.

Theresa has had two surgeries to take care of the problem.

Theresa's menstrual pain is now more manageable, but she wishes the endometriosis had been found earlier. Because of complications that developed, doctors say her ability to have children is impaired. Her best bet for pregnancy is in vitro fertilization within the next few years.

"If the endometriosis was found earlier, I might have planned my life better," says the 33-year-old, who urges women with severe menstrual problems to speak up. "If a woman feels like something is really going on (with her body), she should really push her doctor more on it."

Many women experience menstrual problems such as heavy bleeding, severe pain, and irregular cycles. Most of these problems aren't usually serious and most are temporary. However, in some cases the ailments may actually signal problems in the body.

"For a woman, the menstrual cycle is a really good indicator of her overall health status," says Saralyn Mark, MD, senior medical adviser for the Office on Women's Health, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Women with eating disorders may not have periods. "The body senses that it's not a good time to get pregnant," says Mark.

WebMD compiled a list of common menstrual problems, and asked the experts whether they should be causes of concern for women.

But first, it's helpful to know what's considered "normal," and what women could do to help their doctor better pinpoint trouble.

The Healthy Zone
A regular menstrual cycle means different things to different women. Age, for example can affect what's described as a normal pattern. When adolescents first get their periods, they can expect irregular cycles for a year or two as sex hormones stabilize. The menstrual cycle becomes erratic again before menopause. During this time, ovarian hormone levels begin to fluctuate. Woman again experience irregular cycles.

Yet between adolescence and menopause, women can expect to have regular monthly cycles. That is, of course, barring pregnancy, illness, medications, stress, and other problems (such as cysts) that may change the pattern.

It's also not uncommon to have a variation in one month.

Menstruation that occurs between 22 and 40 days apart falls within the norm, says Robert Shenken, MD, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. The first day of the menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of vaginal bleeding
Health Question & Answer

It sucks to have to take off of work for a period. Make sure you have everything you could want for that time of the month stocked before you need it. Midol, Advil, heating pads, wet wipes, etc. I love those Thermacare patches that you stick on your belly and they stay hot for 6 hours. A week before, start taking potassium, Magnesium and iron or eating more of it in your diet. There are some herbs too, that may help for you. Black cohosh, Valerian, Dang Gui are a few. You may want to research these on your own. I just go the Advil route myself. The Dr. says stay away from salt and caffeine. You should ask about another birth control pill. There are many different kinds, maybe ask a different Doctor.?Health Question & Answer

Well I am some what the same. Please dont use birth control... I mean all of them are just so harmful, they change many things in your body.. I don't mean literall harmful but they may have unwanted side effects.. i think you should just try to talk with your doctor for example and depending on your body type and medical history he/she can recommend strong pills to take to evade such bad cramps. I mean it is something you have to deal with as being young. As you get older your body will eventually adapt and change a little more you have to realize that your body is going through many changes at this age. Do some research on it, the internet is great help, just do a little intensive research, it all truly depends in your body. But i truthfully agree that using birth control is not a good idea.Health Question & Answer

My wife has had the same exact issue all of her life. When she first started, she went to the doctor and they gave her a prescription. It immediately stopped the cramps, bloating, and the heavy flow. For the acne, I am a dermatologist. A few times a day you should put toner on your face and that will take off any oils. For face wash, Cetaphil is really great. Anything Neutrogena is also great. Maybe start doing masks, or even check out some of Neutrogena

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