Do women know the exact moment that they ovulate once they have ovulated?!

Question: Do women know the exact moment that they ovulate once they have ovulated.?
what are the signs.? or otherwise how do you know when ovulation occurs.?Health Question & Answer

for women who have regular period, the normal ovulation is 2 weeks or 14 days after the first day of period.

example: first day of menstruation: october 1
ovulation day: october 14

the most accurate sign of ovulation is mittleschmerz - German word literally meaning "middle pain" or mid cycle pain. It is used medically to refer to pain occurring during ovulation. This usually occurs at the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle... that is, in between two menstrual period.
Mid cycle pain usually start suddenly, coinciding with the moment of release of eggs from the ovary. It is normally a dull pain, occurring on the right or left lower abdomen, depending on which ovary just released the egg. The pain could last from a few minutes to 3 to 8 hours and then disappears.

some other signs are physical signs such as basal body temperature and cervical mucous changes. The body temperature chart is a daily recording of body temperature, which is an indicator of ovulation (body temperature will rise after ovulation). Cervical mucous monitoring involves examining the mucous that is secreted from the cervix, which enables a woman to tell where she is in her cycle and thereby predict the time of ovulation.

basal body temperature:
a) Make sure that day one on the chart is the first day of menstruation
b) Every morning, before getting out of bed or going to the bathroom, the woman should take her temperature. A regular thermometer can be used, but special basal body thermometers should be available at the pharmacy if the woman wishes to use one. The same thermometer should be used every time.
c) Make note of any lack of sleep, drinking alcohol, fever, illness, or emotional stress. It is also helpful to describe the condition of any mucous or discharge.

cervical mucous monitoring:
Before Ovulation (low chance of pregnancy):The first few days following menstruation, there will be little or no discharge present. The woman should feel dryness around her vulva. During this time, she is usually not able to conceive.

Approaching Ovulation (chance of pregnancy):The first discharge that does appear should be moist or sticky and should be white or cream in color. In the finger test, the mucous should break easily. She will only be able to pull her fingers about 1 cm apart before it breaks. During this transition time, first the mucous will become cloudy and slightly stretchy during the finger test (this means that it will still break before the fingers are stretched all the way). As time progresses, the mucous will become greater in volume.

Right around ovulation (high chance of pregnancy): At this stage, mucous resembles egg whites. It is the thinnest, clearest and most abundant at this point in the cycle. Finger testing will allow the mucous to stretch quite a ways (several centimeters) before it breaks (if it breaks at all). ) The amount of this thin mucous will steadily increase until she experiences her 'mucous peak'. This is the last day of this period where the chance of conception is high. It is closely tied to ovulation. It is often only recognized in rertrospect. During this phase, the sperm's survival rate is higher. It can survive in cervical mucous for up to 72 hours, a significantly longer time than during the rest of the cycle.

After Ovulation (low chance of pregnancy): After ovulation, there is a marked change in mucous appearance. It returns to the sticky stage (does not stretch during finger test) and there is again a feeling of dryness around the vulva.

One caveat for this test is that sperm can be confused with the mucous secretions and the woman could make wrong assumptions. also, vaginal infections, medication, and birth control can alter conditions and should be taken into consideration when examining any vaginal secretions.

hope i was able to answer your question...Health Question & Answer

Most women ovulate between the 10th and 17th day of their cycle. Start counting with the first day of your period to determine your cycle.

No, I don't think most women know exactly when they ovulate, I never have. The best way to determine if you are ovulating is take a test you can buy at the drug store. The old way is to take your temperature every morning before getting out of bed. The day that your temp is about two degrees higher than normal without illness is probably ovulation.

However, if you are wanting to use this method to not get pregnant, keep in mind that sperm can live in you for up to 7 days, so it is not really a safe method.Health Question & Answer

nyc lemme knw bout it as well..Health Question & Answer

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