What are the main side effects associated with Depo-Provera?!

Question: What are the main side effects associated with Depo-Provera.?
I am due to have the injection tomorrow so anybody who has taken this before/currently please tell me ALL symptoms you experienced. I am 19 years old as well.Health Question & Answer

What are some reasons to use Depo-Provera.?

* You find it difficult to remember to take medicine every day.
* You are on long-term antibiotics or Accutane.
* You would be comfortable with having your menstrual periods stop (also known as amenorrhea).
* You have valvular heart disease.

What are some reasons NOT to use it.?

* Prolonged use may result in significant loss of bone density. The FDA suggests that Depo-Provera should only be used as a long-term birth control method (longer than 2 years) if other birth control methods are inadequate.
* You are pregnant or suspect you might be pregnant.
* You have abnormal vaginal bleeding that has not been evaluated.
* You have had a stroke.
* You have serious liver disease.
* You are being treated for or have a history of breast cancer.
* You have or have had blood clots in legs, lungs or eyes.
* You are allergic to Depo-Provera.

f you have or have had anorexia nervosa, migraine headaches, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease, asthma or a seizure problem, please tell your medical provider. Depo-Provera may make these problems worse.

Since it is unclear whether smoking while using Depo-Provera increases the risks of heart attack and stroke, it is recommended that women who use Depo-Provera should not smoke.

What are the side effects.?
The side effects are usually not serious, but it is important to realize that once Depo-Provera is injected, it cannot be reversed or neutralized. You will have to live with the side effects until the medicine wears off in 3 months.

Menstrual irregularities
Bleeding, spotting and amenorrhea (not having periods) are common. After a year of Depo-Provera injections, 57% of women are not menstruating. After 2 years, 68% of women are not menstruating. If you stop getting Depo-Provera injections, your period usually returns within 3 to 10 months.

Pregnancy-like symptoms
These symptoms include sore breasts, nausea, fatigue, and abdominal discomfort. They may occur after the first 4 injections but usually go away. If you experience a spotty darkening of the skin (usually on the face), this symptom may not go away completely.

Weight changes
Weight changes may occur due to increased appetite. Average weight gain is 3 pounds by the end of the 1st year and 5 to 7 pounds, total, by the end of the 2nd year.

* 33.5% of women on Depo-Provera gain weight
* 20% of women on Depo-Provera lose weight
* 10% of women on Depo-Provera have no change in their weight.

Depression may occur but the cause is unclear. It does go away if you stop using Depo-Provera.

Other symptoms
Other symptoms can include headache, dizziness, nervousness, some loss of scalp hair, some increase in body hair, a decrease in sex drive, leg cramps, and bloating. They may or may not be caused by Depo-Provera. Report any of these side effects to your medical provider immediately.

Health Question & Answer

The most common effect is that most women will experience 3 months of what is called dysfunctional or erratic bleeding. Occasionally this will last 6 months. Some women will get almost continuous 'dribbling' of blood in the early stages. If you do persist the problem usually resolves and by one year 70% of women have lost their periods all together.Health Question & Answer

i had my 1st depo shot when i was 20 i put on 24lbs in weight i turned into a monster, i had really bad mood swings, i got acne. i swear it is the devil i stayed on it for a year when i came off my spots cleared up and i lost the weight, my mood swings disappeared.

the only good thing was i had no periodsHealth Question & Answer

I had no side effects until after a year on it and then it gave me pregnacy symptons. Came off it as fed up with getting tested and feeling like crap.

It was good for the first year though. I didnt put on any weight in fact I lost about half a stone which was good.

Everyone is different.
Health Question & Answer

1. www.google.com
2. search depo-provera
3. find the information


answer mine .?qid=20081006054040AA3FNKH">http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind...Health Question & Answer

well..no idea..Health Question & Answer

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