Feminine hygiene question. How can a woman stop vaginal odor?!

Question: Feminine hygiene question. How can a woman stop vaginal odor.?
A woman showers everyday. She uses powder, lotion and other things to smell good. Her pubic area is shaven. No matter what her vagina has a odor. It is not internal, just the lips if that makes sense. She don't have a yeast infection or std. You can smell the odor through her cloths.

Any suggestions.? And what would be a good way to let them know someone smell them.?Health Question & Answer

Well, first make sure that she doesn't have a sexual disease. What you described sounds pretty bad. She needs to get checked out for something called bacterial vaginosis, which causes a fishy smell but doesn't look like a yest infection. also note that douching (rinsing out with water) may work for the short term but it can actually cause a yeast infection by messing with the balance of bacteria in the vagina.

All women have a natural scent but not so malodorous like you described. Maybe a bit of it is genetic. Through her clothes.? Ack.

I'm not sure how you can broach the topic without sounding offensive. Maybe you can suggest that you both take a shower.? I don't know. Be smooth.

P.S. Interesting, so it is not the cervix and internal area that has the scent, but the outer lips. Well that makes it simple. She needs to take a shower with soap and water "down there" around the entrance. It's an easy fix.Health Question & Answer

This may be an infection- other than yeast. Actually, it MUST be what is causing the smell.Health Question & Answer

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