Severe depression and pregnancy?!

Question: Severe depression and pregnancy.?
I'm in my 8th week of a totally unexpected pregnancy. I'm almost 36 years old. My children are 16 yrs and 11 yrs. I thought I was done. My husband thinks is wonderful, he won't listen to my concerns about our finances and how it will effect our kids and our family life. I'm terrified that this is going to ruin us financially, and I feel as though my life is over. All the plans that were laid out for us....gone now.

I can't eat. I can't sleep. I'm nauseous all the time, sicker than I remember being with the other two. I feel as though I'm losing my mind. I haven't even told anyone yet that I'm pregnant, because I am so unhappy about it. Is this normal for someone my age.? I love my children, and I love being a Mom, how can I be so unhappy.?
1 second ago - 3 days left to answer. Health Question & Answer

Unexpected pregnancy's can bring on depression regardless of age. I know it seems as though things cannot get any worse right now, especially if you thought you were done having children. Just keep in mind, part of the depression could be from the changes taking place in your body. Right now your hormones are raging!! If you are so unhappy about the pregnancy, maybe you need to discuss other options. Adoption is one way, abortion is another. One thing to keep in mind is your oldest child is not very far from becoming an adult, so he/she wont probably be at home for much longer. As far as financially, are we ever really financially prepared for children.? I know I wasn't, but I made due with what I had. The fact is, you have to decide what is going to be best for you, and your family. 36 is not to old to have children, my best friend is 38, and just starting her family. I understand because your are older you were getting ready to enjoy life without the worries of raising "little ones", and for you to be upset is perfectly normal. Just talk to your husband, and decide to do what is best for you, and your family. Good luck!!Health Question & Answer

your extra sickness is probably mostly to do with you being later in age. It is perfectly fine to feel thisu way. It does NOT make you a bad mom at all. There is a lot to consider about this. I would recommend going and talking to your doctor (or a psychologist) about the way you are feeling. You need to eat, for the health of you and your baby!
Good luck hun!Health Question & Answer

Holy cow! The same thing happened to me! I'm 37, and just finally finishing my Bachelors degree, my son just started kindergarten, and I was getting ready to go back to work! But, now I'm almost 7 months pregnant,and all plans have changed..

I understand the depression, I'm still battling it. But, for me, it has gotten better - way better. It was way worse in the first trimester, but has slowly, slowly gotten better. I think I'm coming to terms with this pregnancy and our new future. I had a few outbursts of tears and anger with my husband - they didn't help anything but to let me vent and blow off steam a bit.

I think that slowly things will change for you and will get better. You haven't had much time to let this sink in yet, so don't lose hope. Health Question & Answer

i am sure sorry. i would see if you can get some therapy to help you through this. you wont be able to do it alone. i know husbands think its all great (which children are blessings) but we as women look at it as a whole picture. financially, mentally, physically and it can be overwhelming. BUT who is really ready, if you are making it now you will with the baby, there are programs out there to help you. talk with your dr and let him/her know. and they can give you lists of help from mental health to help with food for you and baby. i am 40 and adopting a 4 6 9 10 year old, i know the age thing, i am not old and i am healthy but i am more tired than when i was 30. BUT i am doing it you can too. good luck bless you too. Health Question & Answer

It's okay, you just weren't expecting it to happen and that is shocking, but you are not too old to be a new mom, and don't worry about your finances right now, there will alwways be a way to take care of yourselves and that baby. The first fewe months are moody anyway, and you are dealing with a lot, as you get used to the idea, you'll get better. Just think that you get to be someone's new mommy again! I know you are only thinking of the negatvie things and it is hard when the baby is little, but it's rewarding too, you get to have someone's first smile again, and hear little baby laughter again(that is precious) and get excited over first words and watch a little one grow again which really is amazing, watch them develop a personality, show them off to all your friends and family. Yeah, there's going to be sleepless nights and eighteen more years before it can just be you and your husband, but you'll be fine and happy, and you'll probably remember how much you love being a mom before that baby says "ma ma" it will all be fine, babies are a handful, but they are a joy, and you have that to look forward to in the immediate future, sorry if this didn't help much, and by the way, you are NOT too old to be a mom, women are having them later these days anyway, Halle Berry just had a baby at forty one, and plenty of normal people do it too, they wait until they have their careers taken care of and going well and whatever, and on the plus side, you have more knowledge than a young mom, you've already had two!! You'll do great with this one too!!!Health Question & Answer

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