I know something is wrong with me!?!

Question: I know something is wrong with me!.?
i have to go for a pelvic (ultrasound) scan on thursday, i first went to the doctors with this bleeding a little over a month ago and he said it could just be from the contraceptive pill i had been taking or the implant, but i don't think so as the bleeding has started again (well it never really stopped a month ago it just turned into a bloody discharge), it started a week before my period was due and i have now been bleeding for two weeks. What kind of problems can cause irregular bleeding like this.?

I also have been getting lower back pain and quite strong abdominal cramps and shooting pains in my lower abdomen.

I honestly think that there is something wrong, and non of the doctors are really taking me seriously enough, the only reason i am going for this scan is because i practically pushed the doctor into sending me for one just to be sure. I'm not a hypochondriac either, i very rarely go to the doctors, i just really want to get this sorted.

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same happened to me turned out I had cyst all over my females the bleeding stopped. They said the cyst were nothing to worry about. Well about 8 years later a cyst 3mm and one being 5mm erupted in me and sent poison through my blood. I could not keep anything down no food no water no thing.
Was taken to 2 different hospital one said I had food poisoning the other a viral infection. Well it got so bad I could hardly get out of bed and went to where I was supposed to be at that morning. I ended up collapsing and was in a hot sweat.
I was in the starting stage of organ failure and I was taken to an Air Force Hospital. After a few test they knew what happened to me. Basically these cyst that were nothing to worry about just blew up and leaked posion in me. I had a lot of liquid around the stomach reason why I coulden't hold down anything.
But yet 2 hospitals said I had food posiong and the other and infection.
Idiot doctos I had through the years always said nothing to worry about. They were way wrong it almost killed me.
I had pains in my sides for years and some bleeding that would last for idk how long what seemed for weeks at a time.
If I would have known it was the cyst they said not to worry about I would have went in regulary and got checked out to prevent what happened to me.
Thanks to that I have major damage to my females.

It might be nothing but it could be something hard to tell just wait and see and try not to stess.
I can't believe they don't have you in the hospital with bleeding like that.
My grandmother was bleeding for a month her family doctor did nothing about it.
I ended up taking her to an ER from a different hospital other than where her doctor worked. They admitted her turned out she had cirvical cancer. She died 4 years ago.

The bottom line is when you thnk something is wrong follow up on it don't listen to doctors who say one thing and then another. Life is nothing to play around with.
If you think your doctor isn't taking you seriously hun you go find another one that well.Health Question & Answer

hi hun this sounds exactly like wot my boss had the other month,luckily she ok now,but ur symptons match hers,shes had her gall bladder out now and all fine.it was gall stones they think.so this could b poss wiv u aswell cos like i said ur symptons match my bosses before she had her op.hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

hi i had my scan nearly two weeks ago i have been bleeding nearly all the time since june . turns out it is a fibroid . xxHealth Question & Answer

I also went through te same thing. I had stopped using the Depo and i would spend a month bleeding. I went to three doctors all giving the same pills to stop the bleeding but never tried to figure out that there might be something wrong. I got fed up with the many pills that they were shoving down my throat and asked for an ultrasound. Nothing was found and I was still bleeding.

It was the depo that was still in my system and now I'm having regular periods after a year of irregular bleeding. It just takes time for whatever contraception you have to come out of your system. Nothing to worry about if the doctors are not worried.
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