What would yu do? this is so painful?!

Question: What would yu do.? this is so painful.?
ok i went to the er last night because i had a severe UTI and an ovarian cyst ( thats what they told me) when i went in i tried explaining to them that i had an even more horrible pain in my vulva. they did nothing for the pain in my vulva, they didnt even do an exam. they did an intavaginal ultra sound which hurt like hell! i came home this morning all drugged up on morphine so i slept all day, but now its 330 am and im tired, but can fall asleep because of this pain!!! my the lower part of my vulva is whats irritated. its swollen, itchy and burns terribly. even when im just sitting here the pain is awful it almost hurts more to sit or lay than stand. all this burning happened after i went to my ob/gyn thursday, this was non existant but a few hours after i left these symptoms began and just keep getting worse. i am so frustrated and few up. any advice.? should i go back to the er.?Health Question & Answer

i just got over a uti, so i cant even imagine ur pain. I know that when ur in pain that is all you can think about and you are unable to do n e thing productive, and u cant make urself feel better. If it was me i would go to the er, because when i went in the middle of the night there is barely n e one there and they may give you more attention than the last time you went. If you have sumone that will go with you do it, but if not bring sumthing to keep you occupied while ur waiting. It seems like they just tried to dull the pain instead of curing it. Go back and explain you are in serious pain and you need a thorough exam so you can get the best treatment possible. When it comes to uti's i know they get worse and worse, im sure ur ovarian cyst is the reason for the morphine. So make sure u have antibiotics for ur uti, (they work wonders). It seems more like ur vagina externally is hurting you more so than the urge to pee, which is the main symptom of a uti.
just go, if u do fall back asleep u may wake up worse than now.
I cringe thinking about this, and i really do hope u get better. get wellHealth Question & Answer

It sounds like on top of your UTI, you might have spread the bacteria to your vagina, so you might have a yeast infection or vaginitis, or then again an allergic reaction.Health Question & Answer

Yes. Talk to them about your issue and how they seemed to have missed something. It is the only option that is really open to you.Health Question & Answer

Um im a guy but if your in so much pain that you cant sleep go to ER! please take care of your elf and glad that you asked instead of leaving it be hope u do betterHealth Question & Answer

You might be having a reaction to something. Like, if they used latex gloves and you're allergic, or maybe the lube they used. I personally would not go to the ER because I would want sleep so much. I'd call a nurse hotline for advice (If you just call the ER, they can hook you up to one -- they would rather you not come in if it isn't necessary). And I'd probably leave a message at the gyno saying I would be in first thing in the morning. I'd run to the drugstore and buy tea tree oil and cortisone cream and a squirt bottle. I'd dilute the tea tree oil 2-3 drops in 8oz lukewarm water, sit on the toilet and squirt it on (I used it after giving birth; it's very soothing and safe on mucous membranes - can go inside a little - and antibacterial too). Then I might apply an ice pack for 10 minutes or so (you can do that right now). Then I'd pat dry and put on a whole lotta cortisone cream (outside only) without rubbing, and give that 15-20 minutes to work. If that made it worse or didn't help, I might consider the ER. (I think if you are having a reaction the ER will take 4 hours to figure out that they want to give you a cortisone shot, but that's just a guess)Health Question & Answer

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