Why am i still tired even when i have 14 hours of sleep?!

Question: Why am i still tired even when i have 14 hours of sleep.?
i wake up at 6:30am but theres been times i've fallen asleep at 4pm and woke up the next day at 6:30 and still been tired...question is why.?Health Question & Answer

That's because you're turning nocturnal. lol That means you're becoming like owls who stay awake at night and fall asleep at day.Health Question & Answer

Depression and anxiety makes people sleepy. I see you are engaged. (Contratulations) Are you anxious or stressed about the wedding plans or anything.? If you are not getting much exercise try getting some fresh air and exercise and then your sleep pattern should fix itself. If not see a physician. Get your thyroid checked if it is not working properly that could be the problem and most people don't thing of checking the thyroid until it is too late to prevent major health issues. Health Question & Answer

Are you eating enough.? Are you taking a multivitamin.? Maybe you are low in iron.

I went a few weeks like this myself. Usually, I can go a long time like you. I would sleep a long time and wake up not well rested. I tried all of the normal stuff that usually works - like a good meal, something with sugar (to help raise blood sugar), caffeine, another nap. None of it did much.

I had some blood work done and come to find out my iron levels were a bit low. You can take a iron supplement (also known as ferrous sulfate) such as Feosol, Femiron, SlowFE, or a store brand and see if it works for you. It's pretty safe and very inexpensive. I started with a 325mg tablet a day then was told that I could take as much as 3 day. I started feeling better in a couple of days. One (harmless) side effect is that it will make your stool very dark.

I feel great now. I hope this helps and I hope you feel better soon.Health Question & Answer

personally, if i get too much sleep i am drowsey the next day as well - usually 9 hours of sleep is when i feel best and anything over that i'm sluggish.

but being up 3 days without sleep, i'd say you may have some kind of insomnia, which would probably be best to get checked out by a physicianHealth Question & Answer

14 hours, it too much. over sleeping makes you really tired.

6-8 hours is normal. i think 8-10 is normal for a growing teen.Health Question & Answer

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