Horrible cramps all the sudden?!

Question: Horrible cramps all the sudden.?
ok so the last time i had sex was exactly 2 weeks ago.... anyways, i got my period 2 days ago (on time) and normally i have very minimal to almost no cramps at all. but this time ive been having horrible cramps that cause me to just bend over and curl up from the pain.

ive taken midol and advil... but idk what else to do... is this just a normal sign of pms (even if i havent had the pain before) or could i *gulp* be pregnant.? and what should i do about the pain.? what else should i take.?Health Question & Answer

If you're on your period, you are not pregnant. Sometimes, cramps just come and go...everyone has really bad ones once in a while. Just be grateful you don't get them more often!

I take naproxen sodium for my cramps, and it works really well. You don't need a special brand, the store brand will work just fine. I've heard that heat works well for cramps, and eases them - so use a heating pad or if you have something called a "rice pad" that can apply heat. Chocolate helps with cramps, too, supposedly, but I haven't tried it. Another thing you need to do is exercise. I know it hurts when your cramps are bad, but the more you exercise, the better it will be.

That's also a cause of cramps, too...if you don't exercise much before you get your period, your cramps will be worse.

Usually, the first three days are the worst, so hopefully your cramps will be over soon!Health Question & Answer

Well Ive had this once or twice, just really really bad cramps so bad I thought something in me had burst. So I had to crawl over and run myself a bath but like a minute after I got in the pain was gone.
So maybe you could try getting someone to run yourself a bath.? It should make you feel a bit better, even if the pains don't fully go away.Health Question & Answer

When you get pregnant the egg digs itself a big 'ol hole in your uterus and this can cause cramping. If you were to keep the baby, you would want to go real easy on the meds during your first trimester since it's such a huge developmental stage so... I can only suggest a pregnancy test, sorry. :(Health Question & Answer

You are not pregnant. Maybe you have an infection. There are stronger over the counter meds; talk to the pharmacist at your chemist/ drug store. But sisnce this is a new thing you really should go to the docHealth Question & Answer

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