What do they do to put you on birth control?!

Question: What do they do to put you on birth control.?
my moms taking me somewhere tomorrow to go put me on birth control...she said tht they are gonna put the thing in me and open me up to swab it out to check for diseases or something...
does it hurt.?
and also is there any shots involved.?.? i hate needles...

plz tell me all that they do plz and thank you :)Health Question & Answer

They will probably do a gyno exam first, which will involve them swabbing inside (it's called a Pap Smear if you want to look it up) to make sure everything looks good (no diseases or signs of cancer or anything like that). It takes just a second and may feel a bit uncomfortable but doesn't hurt or anything. They will use something called a speculum to allow them to see inside ... again, it may feel a bit uncomfortable but it's nothing major. Let them know it's your first time and they will probably use a smaller size to make it feel less weird.

As for the birth control, it depends on what kind you're getting. The Pill is just what it sounds like and just involves them writing a prescription and you remembering to take it each day. There are other kinds that are administered in different ways - you can visit the Planned Parenthood website to read all about the different types - http://www.plannedparenthood.org.

Congratulations on taking responsibility for your body like you are!Health Question & Answer

they may give you a pap smear/pelvic exam. what they do is open your vagina with a speculum ( you just feel pressure) then they take a big Q tip and swab your cervix to check for infections or irregularities of any kind. then the Dr will put a few fingers inside you then with the other hand they will feel your reproductive organs to make sure they are normal. All of this isnt painful, you just feel pressure. They wont give you any shots, but they may test you for anemia by pricking your finger with a small, sterilized needle. Being on birth control/having sex is a big responsibility so you have to do what comes with it. do not be nervous, you'll be fine.Health Question & Answer

Um...Did your mother not talk to you completely about this.?

It's called a pap-smear. They insert the speculum, do a swab of your cervix (inside of you that is the opening to your uterus), a pelvic exam (where the doc pushes on your tummy little bit) and probably a breast exam to check for lumps.

The smear feels like a pinch, not comfortable but tolerable. The pelvic exam is nothing along with the breast exam. No needles. You need to no when the first day of your last period was, too. Good luck! Everything will be fine. They're professionals they aren't going to laugh at you. Promise.

Oh, and the pap-smear needs to be done EVERY year. It detects any cancerous or pre-cancerous cells. The pelvic exam tests for any abnormalities on your bits.Health Question & Answer

your mom is right.& no it doesn't hurt. YOu could get the shots, the shot will go in your hip.Or you could get the pills,you take that daily.(don't forget) Or you could get on the patch. you put that on & you could leave it on for a wk.(I think its a wk) That's great that you talked to your mom & that your being reasonable. JUst remember that birth control doesn't keep you safe from diseases.Health Question & Answer

You can actually do this at home and save a lot of time. Here are the steps:

1. Make sure the insides of both knees are swabbed clean with alcohol so that there is no grease, dirt, or perspiration on your skin.
2. Take an ordinary penny and likewise wipe both sides thoroughly with an alcohol swab to completely clean the penny.
3. Take an ordinary tube of Super Glue, Krazy Glue, or Epoxy Glue (it doesn't matter which you use) and place several drops on BOTH sides of the penny.
4. Now, using a pair of tweezers hold the penny between your knees while in a sitting position.
5. Finally press both knees firmly against the penny on each side essentially gluing your legs together.

That ought to cut down on your sexual activity and hence your chances for pregnancy.

I'll mail you my bill.

Dr. CuriousHealth Question & Answer

urrrm sounds like the coil.? search it on google ul get everything from there

im on the implanon, small implant in my arm which lasts for 3 years & i no periods after 6months..x

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